I don't think there is a mass-media conspiracy I just think guys like Ruesse and Souhan are completely ignorant to college football and are appealing to the lowest common denomonator and playing to the uninformed college football masses in MN. I don't think they have any sort of conspiracy, they just don't know what they are talking about and are dying for ratings.
I would imagine, in almost every single other major college message board, the people on the message board are harsher upon their coach than the general media. Us diehards, are the ones who sit through every single game and watch every single aspect of the program. Look at us, we are yapping about A 5-6 Gopher football team to strangers, 8 months before the season starts. It is different here, not because us on the message boards are nicer in MN, it's because about the only knowledgeable college football fans in the Twin Cities share a similar belief. I am not saying that "if you know college football, you like Brewster". What i'm saying is that if you look at the poll on here (of people who are representative of the actual people who follow and spend money on Gopher football), the outlook on the guy probably 65% (lets see what we have here, but give him a fair shot), 25% (he should be done, we've seen enough), and 10% (not sure). If you took that same poll over the general populace on pioneerpress, I'd imagine Brew's rating would be significantly lower.
My point is that these media people could probably get the general public to believe anything about Brewster, as seen by their lack of devotion to accuracy, because the general public doesn't really follow the Gophers (intensely). So the media conspiracy is this, there is a perception among the non-fans/casual followers that the sky is falling because we aren't competing with the top in the conference, and the "journalists" in this town want nothing more than cash in on that uneasyness. It is what the american media has succombed to, report the negative.