Gene Wojciechowski: If ever a school & a conf need to kiss & make up, its ND & BT


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Nov 11, 2008
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Gene Wojciechowski: If ever a school & a conf need to kiss & make up, its ND & BT

per ESPN:

Wojchiechowski's Big Ten-related proposal is a familiar one: Notre Dame should join the league.

He writes:

I've got nothing against the ACC, but who are we kidding? Nobody is counting the days until that 2015 Wake Forest-ND game. Nobody is getting goose bumps for that 2016 NC State game. If ever a program and a conference needed to kiss and make up, it's Notre Dame and the Big Ten.

Perhaps that's true, but most of the kissing needs to come from the Notre Dame side. The Big Ten twice tried to add Notre Dame and Notre Dame balked. The Big Ten would never give Notre Dame the deal it received in the ACC -- nor should it.

Go Gophers!!

Unless we can replace Maryland and Rutgers with ND and Mizzou, no thanks.

Unless we can replace Maryland and Rutgers with ND and Mizzou, no thanks.

If Maryland case blew up and they could not afford exit fee I'd say we could add them. I've no interest in an unbalanced schedule with them - especially given that they raid Cretin.

I would trade PSU for ND anyway of the week and get rid of Rutgers and Maryland as well. Would get rid of all that east coast expansion BS that Delaney wants and would center the Big Ten back to its midwestern roots the way it should be. I would not want to add more than 14 teams. Actually more than 12 is way too much anyways.

Nope Nope Nope. Although I'm not horribly excited about rutgers or maryland I will NEVER NEVER NEVER want ND.

Notre Dame is exactly where they belong. ... in a conference that lets them call the shots.

There was a time I would have loved to have Notre Dame in the Big Ten, but that time passed quite some time ago. Good luck to the Irish in their "kinda' of a conference" ACC.

Notre Dame is exactly where they belong. ... in a conference that lets them call the shots.

There was a time I would have loved to have Notre Dame in the Big Ten, but that time passed quite some time ago. Good luck to the Irish in their "kinda' of a conference" ACC.
correct. They made their bed.....

I would trade PSU for ND anyway of the week and get rid of Rutgers and Maryland as well. Would get rid of all that east coast expansion BS that Delaney wants and would center the Big Ten back to its midwestern roots the way it should be. I would not want to add more than 14 teams. Actually more than 12 is way too much anyways.

Thankfully you're not in charge of our conference or it would wither and die on the vine.

I'd take ND, but there couldn't be any special treatment for them. If they were willing to join the BTN and be just another school, cool. Otherwise, **** 'em.

I'd take ND, but there couldn't be any special treatment for them. If they were willing to join the BTN and be just another school, cool. Otherwise, **** 'em.

Unequivocally agree with you. It would be nothing but hugely positive for the B1G and their member institutions. You lump ND with OSU, UM, PSU, Nebraska and the bargaining power the B1G would have for any TV deal would blow everyone else out of the water.

In terms of prestige, adding Notre Dame would make the B1G a lot more attractive on the national level.

I agree - no special treatment - they either come in as a full member with the exact same rules as every other team, or not at all.

Still, the idea of a Notre Dame-Gopher game at TCF on a beautiful fall afternoon, with a national TV audience, makes me tingle a little bit. I'll bet that would be the hottest ticket in MN sports history. Shoot - if the Gophs were guaranteed home games with ND on a regular basis, that might help spur the expansion of the stadium.

How high will the Big Ten expansion go?

I still think "B1G' is stupid and ugly.

We should do just about anything within reason to get ND.

Huge boost for the conference and all its members.

We should kick out Maryland and Rutgers tomorrow, thank you very much.

If ND comes crawling back, consider it. However, I'd prefer not to see the B10 expand again this soon.

NOTE: to all readers of the "twitter-head" one line of text only persuasion...just TWERK your butts on by this post. It will be entirely too long for your tastes, concentration levels and styles. Feel free to make any kind of comment you may wish though. It is all good. Thanks for buzzing on by in advance. I certainly wouldn't want to stress any one out!



We should do just about anything within reason to get ND.

Huge boost for the conference and all its members.

We should kick out Maryland and Rutgers tomorrow, thank you very much.

Re: the dis-"membering" of Maryland and Rutgers, tomorrow... From an economic point of view it would be incredibly short-sighted and foolish to have to "buy-out" two new conference members the way the U of M buys out coaches. Just wait, there will come a day when people won't "show up" at the stadiums. All of the cable and Big Ten Network revenue will be the very life-blood of college football. IF you are serious that: "...We should do just about anything within reason to get ND...", it will only be offering them a revenue share from the Big Ten Conference that will far surpass what ever it is NBC is willing to pay ND to televise their football games. Don't kid yourself: that Rutgers/Maryland addition gives the Big Ten Network a lock on that New York/New Jersey Cable Market and as a kicker, even includes the BELTWAY where all the politicians do their mischief and dirty deals.

The population growth/losses in Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Nebraska could never generate enough television/cable/network money to lure ND away from their own personal cash cow football television deal that they share with no one. They got themselves included in the playoff picture without formally being in a conference. They will always continue to "listen if the phone rings...", but any offers would have to FAR surpass what they have on their own to entice them to join our blue collar little league.

They would like the idea of the New York/New Jersey/Beltway tv market though.

The REAL money is in the tv/cable/network connections. It is NOT how many season tickets you can sell to your own little stadium, horseshoe or even "...big house..." Going forward, attendance will be problematic for many "bigger-time" all the power conferences as well as the "under-powered" conferences too. Notre Dame will not come willingly, easily or cheaply. Not as long as they can play well enough to "be a player..." on the national scene with their own sex-appeal and tv contract. And, if and when they fall on hard times, they won't really be much of a "catch" any longer any way...

I think the Big Ten had best make the most of their Rutgers/Maryland equals presence in the New York/New Jersey/Beltway Areas for cable purposes! In the year 2014: $$$$$ means much more than traditional football rivalry. I, for one firmly believe that our fearless "commish" in the Big Ten Offices knows what the hell he is doing and believe he is doing it pretty damn well when it comes to creating revenue streams for each of the Conference member Schools. He is creating the annuity that will keep the conference pretty well cared for as attendance issues and other conflicts make "living well" a bit more difficult moving forward.

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