Gary Parrish sums it up pretty well

and the hard part was cheering for them to beat Kentucky on Saturday because U-Conn was the lesser of two cheaters.

Make me nostalgic for the relatively clean days of Jerry Tarkanian...

Make me nostalgic for the relatively clean days of Jerry Tarkanian...

I would take Tark over Calhoun and Calipari. Tark did not pretend he was innocent, but these two always have fall-guy assistants to take the rap. I can't take the NCAA championship that seriously anymore when these two cheats are eligible.
Same with the clown at memphis who was recruiting Trevor while he was a Goph. 15 years ago he would have been dead meat.

Are things dirtier or is the competition between various media sources resulting in leads being followed/reported more dilligently than they were in the past? The guy at Yahoo! or FanHouse might not be as worried about ruining a relationship with a Calhoun as a reporter in Storrs. It still seems like most of the big stories are broken by national types and not the local reporters who either don't know the story (possible) or know that it won't be received well to report on the local school in that way (also possible). I've never bee surprised by a college story be it pay for play, recruiting violations, cheating in college, cheating on the ACT/SAT etc. Is anyone actually surprised that UConn is dirty? Why does Calipari continue to get job after job? Bob Huggins went from one schools that didn't graduate athletes, to another, and is now in his 3rd BCS job at WVU. Tim Floyd got out at USC and already has another job at UTEP. If what these guys did was so far outside the norm, they wouldn't get job after job (or raise after raise).

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