Gary Parrish: Everybody wins if the NCAA will allow players to accept endorsements


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Nov 11, 2008
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per Parrish:

Big East commissioner Val Ackerman made headlines recently when she told Sports Illustrated the NCAA is contemplating letting student-athletes receive endorsement deals.

"[It's] actually under consideration, I believe, by the NCAA,” Ackerman said.

Interesting, right?

But here's the reality: I checked with the NCAA and was told student-athlete endorsements is not actually on an upcoming governance agenda, at this time. But it's worth noting that conferences can, over the next few months, submit legislation for consideration for the next cycle. So if Ackerman wants the issue of student-athlete endorsements to be under consideration, well, she is somebody who can theoretically make it happen.

And you know what?

I hope she does.

And then I hope others take a hard look at it.

Because it really is a sensible solution to a big problem.

Go Gophers!!

He gets to my concern, but has a different conclusion:

Now I know what you're likely thinking ...

But wouldn't this also create recruiting advantages at the local level, Parrish?

In a word, yes. And that is the counter-argument I hear most -- that it wouldn't just be Nike paying Ben Simmons. Or McDonald's paying Buddy Hield. It would also be a car dealership in Cincinnati paying Gary Clark. Or a bank in Raleigh paying Cat Barber. And that it could create a situation where it's just understood that if you're a point guard who signs with Kentucky, a local hospital will pay you $250,000 a year to endorse its emergency room.

Rest assured, stuff like that would happen.

Coaches at ACC programs with boosters who own companies and care, for instance, could tell prospects, "Yeah, if you go to that Horizon League school, there's a hamburger joint that might sign you to a $10,000 endorsement deal. But if you come with us, there's a $70,000 endorsement deal with a sporting goods store available. So you're coming with us, right?"

Again, you're correct if you think that would happen.

But so what?

All that would mean is that the most powerful schools with the strongest fan bases and biggest budgets would have recruiting advantages over the less-powerful schools with weaker fan bases and smaller budgets, which is EXACTLY THE WAY COLLEGE BASKETBALL IS RIGHT NOW. In other words, the same programs that are good today would likely be good tomorrow.

No, the same programs that are good today would likely become MUCH better tomorrow. And it removes accountability from the schools.

So then you recruit guys and your boosters all get someone to give them an endorsement? Hummmm

Face it, Oregon (Nike) and Maryland (Under Armor) would clean house. Their college deals would just roll over into their pro deals. What 5 star would turn down an endorsement deal from a top shoe/sports company?

Something like this would be the death knell of college athletics as we know it. It would be nothing more than players going to the highest bidder.

Add a provision that if you accept endorsement money you lose the same amount in your scholarship.

This is one of the worst ideas I've come across in regards to paying college players. The disparity between teams would become massive. What would stop Jerry Jones, for example, of making Houston, for example, his minor league team by signing their entire roster to these endorsement deals? If something like this happened, college athletics is over as there is no way small schools can compete anymore

How about just on one team alone. U have your top 5 guys making money and your 2nd string LB not getting a dime. That will go over real well in the locker room. This is so stupid!! Nobody makes u go to college NOBODY!!

He gets to my concern, but has a different conclusion: No, the same programs that are good today would likely become MUCH better tomorrow. And it removes accountability from the schools.

How so? They still only have a set number of scholarships and let's take Alabama for example. If they are already signing the number 1 recruit, they can't now start signing some arbitrary super duper number 1 recruit who's even better than the 5 star recruit they had. The only guys up for the big, big endorsements would likely be 5 star recruits and all of the schools competing for said recruit would probably have the same or similar endorsement opportunities as each other. It is a recruiting advantage, but it is scaled the exact same way recruiting advantages are now. Alabama already has crazy facilities compared to a school like MN. Adding in better endorsements isn't going to somehow widen that gap, I'd say it's more of a rising tide raising all ships. Except now the kids get money too.

How so? They still only have a set number of scholarships and let's take Alabama for example. If they are already signing the number 1 recruit, they can't now start signing some arbitrary super duper number 1 recruit who's even better than the 5 star recruit they had. The only guys up for the big, big endorsements would likely be 5 star recruits and all of the schools competing for said recruit would probably have the same or similar endorsement opportunities as each other. It is a recruiting advantage, but it is scaled the exact same way recruiting advantages are now. Alabama already has crazy facilities compared to a school like MN. Adding in better endorsements isn't going to somehow widen that gap, I'd say it's more of a rising tide raising all ships. Except now the kids get money too.

Who is going to give these endorsement deals? Nike, Reebok, Converse? and Under Armor. I'm pretty sure Alabama would suddenly have major problems getting the big name High Schoolers. Mr. Knight would bring them in for Oregon and Under Armor already changes Maryland's uniforms for every game for free. You know they would get recruits to go there.

This will corrupt the college game and even ruin it for most teams who are not elite or in big payday markets.

Players will flock to schools with the most payday potentials.

What a crock of cr@p. The NCAA governance is a joke for considering this.

You might as well turn the D1 college football teams into semi-pro leagues for what they already are in some schools and forget about awarding scholarships.

Developing the rest of the kids who will not make it to the pros so that they get a four year degree and a decent chance at life after football will not be a priority after all. The priority will be about making money and winning at all cost.

Abolish the NCAA at this point and make it a free for all.

How so? They still only have a set number of scholarships and let's take Alabama for example. If they are already signing the number 1 recruit, they can't now start signing some arbitrary super duper number 1 recruit who's even better than the 5 star recruit they had.

Totally WRONG! Don't you remember back in the day when teams like Florida State could just completely stockpile talent? They had no problem getting talented guys to come in behind other talented guys - and this was without being able to legally pay them!

The only guys up for the big, big endorsements would likely be 5 star recruits and all of the schools competing for said recruit would probably have the same or similar endorsement opportunities as each other.

Wrong again. Are you telling me that only the elite 5 stars are getting "gifts" right now? Haven't you ever listened to what people say when they leave Texas, etc. It's more than just 5 stars. Heck, Alabama's QB for the NC was a 3 star recruit - yet when leading the Tide this past season I'm pretty sure he'd have been given tons of money.

It is a recruiting advantage, but it is scaled the exact same way recruiting advantages are now. Alabama already has crazy facilities compared to a school like MN. Adding in better endorsements isn't going to somehow widen that gap

Yes it will widen the gap. A school like the U won't be able to give endorsements to anyone. Alabama would have no problem offering endorsements to 3* that Saban would want.

Basically, this idea would be like the NFL before the salary cap - remember when the 49ers could keep Montana AND Young, and an all-pro RB (Craig), world's greatest WR, all-pro TE, ...? The NFL went away from that model, forcing talent to be more spread out, and popularity and revenue SOARED. The same happened in college when players finally wanted playing time early and so they'd come to lesser schools.

So then you recruit guys and your boosters all get someone to give them an endorsement? Hummmm
I think that's exactly what would happen. Instead of a brown paper bag of cash, there would be endorsements from car dealerships, grocery stores, etc.

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Hey - I think we're missing the point here. My question - what local endorsements would Gopher players be able to get?

Let's be creative here............

for instance, a mobile data protection company could sponsor Gopher Basketball players - "Protect your private data and videos with ........, to prevent them from falling into the wrong hands."

on the other hand, Allstate - the good hands people - would probably not sponsor any Gopher FB wide receivers.......

I could see a Gopher pouring champagne on his cell phone while taking home videos.

Kinko's sponsorship for the Clem years.

Ticketmaster for the Mychal Thompson scandal.

This must be why we continue to have Washburn McReevey as a major sponsor..... yhey can be the endorsement for the death of amateur athletics

Allow endorsements and end scholarships.

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This must be why we continue to have Washburn McReevey as a major sponsor..... yhey can be the endorsement for the death of amateur athletics


It is because the GOphers have many zombie stiff players over the years, they want to be close to the source.

"You stab 'em, we grab them!"

I just want ncaa video games again, can they make that happen?

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