Gary DiNardo needs a history lesson


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Nov 21, 2008
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I was flipping through the channels and landed on Big 10 Live. The topic was restoring the Big 10. With all the attention on the SEC and Now the PAC 12 the Big 10 needs to focus on what it has and has done. DiNardo talked about the tradition of Championships in the Eastern Conference with Ohio State, Penn State, and Michigan. And when he turned to the West he noted Nebraska and Minnesota's 4 National Championships. Dave Revsine remained silent. And the discussion continued. I don't tweet, But someone should send on to Dinardo. Minnesota has 7. 1904, 1934, 1935, 1936, 1940, 1941, 1960. Hello Gary, Minnesota has already done what Alabama is attempting to do. 3 peat.

As you can tell, this caused a tirade at the TV.

DiNardo was referring to AP National Titles, of which Minnesota has won 4 of those.

DiNardo was referring to AP National Titles, of which Minnesota has won 4 of those.

He fails to recognize that AP originated in 1936, but The Billingsley Report which now is till used in the BCS and names its National Champion each year. They have done this since 1869. When you are talking history, building the Big 10, and take a short sighted view you need to go back to school.

DiNardo was referring to AP National Titles, of which Minnesota has won 4 of those.

Thank goodness the AP came along...what did we do all those years before they were available to tell us who the best football team was. Oh yeah...played the game and won championships.

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