Gary Bowman to Doogie on new contract for Kill: "is not on the mind of either side"

Why even waste time with a throw away note like that? Kill already has a long term deal so of course neither side is thinking about an extension right now. Not sure if he was going for humor but if he was he missed big time with that one.

Since all Doogie is capable of is slinging mud on a wall, can we all agree to eliminate any new threads having to do with this hack?

Well... several weeks ago Kill did say he'd take a $100k/year pay cut, if I recall correctly.

It's the sort of question that if you ask, and the answer is yes, there's a story. But if the answer is no, it's not a story.

Norwood Teague has the luxury of not being the guy who hired JK. He owes him nothing. There won't be an extension unless JK finishes 4th or better in our division by year 4. Anything less will get him the door and a buyout.

Norwood Teague has the luxury of not being the guy who hired JK. He owes him nothing. There won't be an extension unless JK finishes 4th or better in our division by year 4. Anything less will get him the door and a buyout.

I disagree. My guess, Teague gives him 5 or 6 years.

It's time to walk away from Doogie. He has reached on-entity status with me. The curve has dropped rapidly. I don't buy any of it anymore.

I disagree. My guess, Teague gives him 5 or 6 years.

Have you been paying attention to the coaching ranks theses days? Look at the guys that are getting fired after 2 or 3 years and many of them are being fired by the guy the hired them in the first place. If there is not tangible improvement in the W/L column by the end of year 4 NT will send Kill packing because Kill wasn't "his guy". Kill may get the full length of his contract but if he does it will be because the team is winning. His contract won't keep him here unless he is getting results.

I disagree. My guess, Teague gives him 5 or 6 years.

I hope you're right. But then there has to be an extension at the end of year 4 or we will hear the argument from JK that he can't effectively recruit because he can't sell recruits on the program without them knowing for sure that he will be their coach.

I hope you're right. But then there has to be an extension at the end of year 4 or we will hear the argument from JK that he can't effectively recruit because he can't sell recruits on the program without them knowing for sure that he will be their coach.

I wonder if anyone actually buys that load of BS or if it is just something coaches say for public purposes to fool the uneducated out there. I can kind of understand when a coach is going into their final year but overall any player who picks a cool specifically for the coach is asking to be disappointed because there is a better than average chance that coach will either leave or get fired during your time there.

Doogie hard at work at the News Factory again, manufacturing stories to pad out his copy.

Since all Doogie is capable of is slinging mud on a wall, can we all agree to eliminate any new threads having to do with this hack?

What mud did Doogie sling here? It's not likely that either side would be bringing up an extension right now. But is asking about it even remotely negative?

I disagree. My guess, Teague gives him 5 or 6 years.

Actually, I think Teague knows that in the current situation Kill was close to a perfect choice to get through this mess. That does not mean CKill does not have to win, he does, but the guy who volunteered the seven year contract was Kaler, he wants it fixed and he knows a revolving door is not a solution for us, and it never has been.
Changing football coaches is not going to be a decision Teaugue can make on his own.We have had several coches who could have done much better with better support. Stoll, Salem, Mason. They were all good football coaches who did a lot with lousy support and facilities. I use to blame the ADs, but in reality, the Presidents of the U were at least as guilty, they had low expectations, and did not invest. Letting maturi run his one man campaign to be the athletic director with the most Learfield Cup points without a winning revenue producing team was close to criminal.
The others, Wacker, Brewster were guys who did not fit the job at all. Wacker had a good offense and the worst defense in my memory, Brewster - every one can answer that question.

Never been a fan of Douchie...nothing lately has convinced me otherwise. Guy is a putz.

I have always like Doogie...but WTF kind of question is there not 4 more years on his deal now? After next year it is a legit question IMO...

Some people get a wild hair up their butt and throw it out to start a new controversy just for the heck of it. Doogie is one of those idiots, next thing you know he will be like the other three over there.

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