Gameday with Kids/Infants


Well-known member
Dec 3, 2008
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New dad.. remind me the policy on what can be brought or not into the stadium

The following may not be brought into TCF Bank Stadium:

• Aerosol cans
• Alcohol
• Animals (except assistive animals)
• Backpacks, luggage, grocery, dufTe bags, large bags, large purses or large camera cases
• Balloons
• Balls (beach balls, footballs, baseballs, etc.)
• Banners
• Beverages, beverage containers, or liquids (cans, bottles or boxes)
• Camcorders and tripods
• Cameras with lenses over six inches long
• Cans, bottles, thermoses
• Chairbacks
• Coolers of any kind, including small soft pack coolers
• Fireworks
• Food
• Illegal drugs
• Laser pointers
• Markers (permanent) and/or paint
• Noisemaking devices
• Objects that can be used as projectiles (sticks, bats, clubs, poles, frisbees, etc.)
• Sticks or Tag poles
• Strollers and infant/car seats or carriers
• Tobacco products
• Umbrellas
• Video camer

Kind of vague. The letter of the rules would seem to forbid bring in a bottle of milk, but I don't think that would apply! I have brought children and had no problem bringing in necessary supplies - diaper bag, a bottle, etc.

Depends on the staff you get. I have successfully brought in many things. I also had a sippy cup emptied and confiscated. I had one guy dump out a plastic bag full of cheez its. I have learned that if you get some over zealous rent a cop, if you demand a supervisor, you usually get treated with respect. For the record, the ticket office replaced his sippy cup and gave him a small football when they found out. Enjoy, and be as assertive as you need to.

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