Game Announcer??


10th Year Senior
Oct 4, 2010
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Perhaps my ears were not working, but it seemed to me that we had a different announcer for the game today. I wasn't thrilled with the change. Perhaps someone can enlighten me about this situation?

Perhaps my ears were not working, but it seemed to me that we had a different announcer for the game today. I wasn't thrilled with the change. Perhaps someone can enlighten me about this situation?
Jamie didn't do the hockey game last night either. I am sure he has a real job and a family. Maybe it had to do with one of them.

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Jim Carroll (sp?) was the PA announcer yesterday. Was the Vikings PA guy for many years, and also does the state hockey tournament.

I kind of liked it. There was less shouting from the PA, which is refreshing to me. Now if they would dial back the piped-in music, which kept interrupting the crowd just when we were starting to cheer...

I kind of liked it. There was less shouting from the PA, which is refreshing to me. Now if they would dial back the piped-in music, which kept interrupting the crowd just when we were starting to cheer...

There was a "crowd" at the game? I watched on TV and saw a LOT of empty seats in the upper bowl. Did they even have 40,000 actual bodies in the stadium?

I kind of liked it. There was less shouting from the PA, which is refreshing to me. Now if they would dial back the piped-in music, which kept interrupting the crowd just when we were starting to cheer...

Seriously? The piped in music interrupted while you were trying to "cheer"? Give me a break. Did you just figure, hey the music is loud and interrupting me, I'll just sit down and be quiet?

Yeah we did a lot of yelling. But many times, just when we stood up and started to cheer, we'd find ourselves getting drowned out by Guns n Roses, AC/DC, or Queen. What do you do then? Most people stick their hands in their pockets and wait for the music to stop.

You'd think we were a bunch of Iowans who don't know when it's time to cheer for our team.

we'd find ourselves getting drowned out by Guns n Roses, AC/DC, or Queen. What do you do then?

What do you do then? Well, I would hope you do what any good fan from any good fanbase does.....cheer and scream with the music! Seriously. The more noise the better.

Most people stick their hands in their pockets and wait for the music to stop.

No, most people don't stick their hands in their pockets and wait for the music to stop.

Try cheering and screaming and whistling and clapping while the music plays next time. Amazingly, I think you'll find out you not only survived, but might enjoy it.

Yeah we did a lot of yelling. But many times, just when we stood up and started to cheer, we'd find ourselves getting drowned out by Guns n Roses, AC/DC, or Queen. What do you do then? Most people stick their hands in their pockets and wait for the music to stop.

You'd think we were a bunch of Iowans who don't know when it's time to cheer for our team.

I'm pretty much with you on this. I always assumed the music snippets (especially at hockey and basketball games) were there to eliminate spontaneous chants like "Lets Go Gophers!" or "These Refs Suck!!!" (probably more of the latter chants than the former; but the music cuts off both).

What do you do then? Well, I would hope you do what any good fan from any good fanbase does.....cheer and scream with the music! Seriously. The more noise the better.

No, most people don't stick their hands in their pockets and wait for the music to stop.

Try cheering and screaming and whistling and clapping while the music plays next time. Amazingly, I think you'll find out you not only survived, but might enjoy it.

I'm a yeller, dude. I make more noise than any two people - don't need your coaching. But in section 145 the music is so load you can't hear yourself scream.

The piped in, super-amplified music is bush league anyway. I know when to make noise; there's no need for the scoreboard to tell me to do it.

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