Ga Tech leaves bowl dinner after co-attendee USC shows up 90 minutes late!


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2008
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And then stuck it to USC on the field. Can't wait for Tech to join the B1G!

Kiffen should be fired for all the things he does and says. He is not a good person and not the kind of person you want representing your program IMO.

Kiffen should be fired for all the things he does and says. He is not a good person and not the kind of person you want representing your program IMO.

Fully agree. I can't stand Kiffen. His day of firing is coming. I think that his lack of coaching skill is starting to come through. Prior to SC, the gu jumped around so much he really had no work product to view to determine how good of a coach he was/is. However, now he has been at SC for several years and the results he is showing tend to support my belief that he is not a good hc and will be fired.

There was an attempt to make a phone call explaining they were running late. Problem was all available phones were tied-up on Twitter, Facebook, posting on GopherHole or texting.

I hope Kiffin continues to be their head coach for as long as possible. The longer he's there, the worse it is for USC.

It's pretty crazy. Last year USC went 10-2 with some nice wins. I thought Kiffen somehow, someway was competent. And then, 2012 happened.

There was an attempt to make a phone call explaining they were running late. Problem was all available phones were tied-up on Twitter, Facebook or texting.

Could have gone on line and used GopherHole, so there is no excuse. :)

It's pretty crazy. Last year USC went 10-2 with some nice wins. I thought Kiffen somehow, someway was competent. And then, 2012 happened.

I agree. I question in my head if it is Kiffin or if it is the result of the probation. They have zero depth. This is part of the reason I don't quite get ALL the hoopla regarding Bill O'Brien. Yea, there was a lot of turmoil. The sanctions are really going to bother them 4-5 years from now. Penn St will still get blue chippers, but behind that blue chipper may be a walk on or a far less superior player.

It's pretty crazy. Last year USC went 10-2 with some nice wins. I thought Kiffen somehow, someway was competent. And then, 2012 happened.
I saw this on ESPN, so I'm not sure of the particulars, but they were the first preseason #1 that's going to finish the season unranked in 60 years or something like that.

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