
Nov 20, 2008
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"Is this the beginning, or the end of the beginning? It may well be the beginning of the end"..... Winston Churchill. This quote could be applied to a new era in Gopher football. I'm going to say it is the "Beginning of the end" of 52 years of frustration.
Us: 51 them: 17

"Is this the beginning, or the end of the beginning? It may well be the beginning of the end"..... Winston Churchill. This quote could be applied to a new era in Gopher football. I'm going to say it is the "Beginning of the end" of 52 years of frustration.
Us: 51 them: 17

Certainly the beginning of the end of the debbie downers, the doubters, the what ifters, the i'm not sureites, the smart a@@ sceptics, the trollites, and the know nothing media. This is a new day. Those who turn there back on this team and foucs on the past cannot see the furtue.

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