FSN: Winning breeds confidence -- and the Gophers are a confident bunch


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Nov 11, 2008
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It all started with the first game of this four-game winning streak, a narrow victory on the road against Northwestern. From that moment on, these Gophers have had a bit of a swagger to them as they've started to believe in themselves more and more with each win. Beating Nebraska -- a school Minnesota hadn't beaten in 50 years -- was the type of signature win that head coach Jerry Kill and his staff needed. The confidence only grew from that win, after which the Gophers fans rushed the field to celebrate the momentous occasion with their team. Topping Indiana on the road was yet another sign that Minnesota has turned the corner as the Gophers held off a late Hoosiers rally and even had a rally of their own to escape Bloomington with a win. That was the type of game that Gophers teams of past years likely wouldn't have won. And then there was this past Saturday's convincing win over Penn State, during which Minnesota looked to be in control the whole game. When the Gophers became bowl eligible after the win against Nebraska, Minnesota's players spoke about how they now expect to play in a bowl game every year -- words that wouldn't have been uttered (at least not honestly) two years ago. The goals have been reassessed in Dinkytown, and an eight-win season has the Gophers setting their sights on bigger and better things.


Go Gophers!!

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