FSN: Teague trying to inspire passionate fans

Don't bother. What a horse$hit article.

I think Joan needed to spend a little more time as an intern.

Hey Norwood - try looking for that "passion" in the student section.........providing there are any students there.

Don't bother. What a horse$hit article.

I think Joan needed to spend a little more time as an intern.

What was so bad about it? What should have been different?

It wasn't anything special, but I thought it was alright.

What was so bad about it? What should have been different?

It wasn't anything special, but I thought it was alright.

It's supposed to be an article about how Teague has found passionate fans here, and it is illustrated as such:

"...those late mornings and afternoons, which range from bitter cold to miserably hot, any Gophers fan willing to don a nametag and voluntarily watch a team that last year finished 3-9 is welcome to. And somewhat surprisingly, they do..."

"...anyone with a hankering to fill his shoes with rubber pellets from the field turf is allowed to attend."

"They dedicate their evenings to this, to a 3-9 team."

"...you'd think he'd inherited a program with at least a kernel of recent success in one of its revenue sports..."

Talk about damning with faint praise. I understand it's not her job to market the Gophers, but she makes it sound like you must be crazy to even show your face around the program.

As a journalist, I would say it was poorly written and boring

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