FSN: Gophers' jovial Anyanwu back from ACL injury, optimistic about next season


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Nov 11, 2008
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per FSN:

"You can't say enough about the way he went about his business, always had a smile on his face," Limegrover said. "I think he's got a tremendous faith that it was going to happen for him. It's just these setbacks, they're bumps in that road, but as soon as that road smoothes out, things are going to be good."

They are at the moment. Through three spring practices, Anyanwu has received ample reps with the Gophers' first-team offense. He's moving around as agilely as he ever has, drawing praise from coach Jerry Kill that Anyanwu's top-end speed is back where it was before his latest setback.

His rehabilitation didn't take as long this time. But that doesn't mean it was facile.

"I kind of knew what to do to get back a little faster," Anyanwu said. "They say it's easier the second time, but it might be a little tougher mentally. But it's easier physically, I'd say."


Go Gophers!!

I am excited to see Duke. As I have mentioned before, he was the most impressive player, to me, last Spring.

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I really hope he can stay healthy this year. He could go a long way to fill the void losing Maxx left. If this stud freshman receivers are as good as Kill says then Duke could really have a good year.

I am excited to see Duke. As I have mentioned before, he was the most impressive player, to me, last Spring.

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Totally agree with you Spoofin. He was definitely the most impressive player last spring to me also. I really hope he is able to stay healthy as I think he could be a really good TE.

Dear FSN:

Please look up the meaning of "facile".

Your thesaurus has done you no favors.

Dear FSN:

Please look up the meaning of "facile".

Your thesaurus has done you no favors.

Actually think he was going for the Spanish word for easy though not sure why you would do that in an article since you can't assume all your readers have been exposed to Spanish or would have any idea what that word means.

Dear FSN:

Please look up the meaning of "facile".

Your thesaurus has done you no favors.

I hadn't heard of the word before, but dictionary.com seems to give a definition that fits.

easily done, performed, used, etc.:
a facile victory; a facile method.

The Spanish word for easy is "fácil".

The writer used the word facile correctly.

As usual, Studwell has no idea what he's talking about.

The Spanish word for easy is "fácil".

The writer used the word facile correctly.

As usual, Studwell has no idea what he's talking about.

Facile derives form the French word "facile". It generally translates as easy. it is correctly used but an odd choice.

Having visions of A Christmas Story and Fragile.

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