From ESPN dot com: Sources: Paulus plans Syracuse visit

I would love to see the Gophers defense take it to Paulus and introduce him to college football. He won't have Coach K to cry to every time he gets hit!
Suzuki Cultus History

we would become Americas team that saturday as many will tune in to see the spanking that our guys will put on him ;)

I just have a feeling that that the first time a DE or OLB comes in unblocked on a missed assignment and blindsides the Paulus the only way he is getting up is on a strecher and kart. Atleast a large part of America will be happy with the Gophers if they are the one to do it.

Paulus is also in talks with Nebraska as they are a little short on depth now with one qb out with an injury till the fall and one that transferred and them not wanting to burn their star freshmen's redshirt if possible.

So how much of a signing bonus will he get once he decides? :D

But seriously, all of this over a guy who hasn't played quarterback in four years? Seems like its getting a little out of hand.

Its hard for any freshman to come in and play qb at the D1 level and essentially that is what he would be as far as football is concerned. Not to mention that he is 6 foot 180 pounds. He may snap in half if he gets hit hard. I know he's athletic but theres no way he can run all day behind an oline of a team that won like 2 games last year.

16 Apr at 2:40 p.m.

The latest report I've heard is that Paulus also has interest, presumably interest that's reciprocal, in Syracuse. I would personally love to see Paulus go to Syracuse, become the starting quarterback, and see the Gophers take a run at him on Sept 5, 2009. I'll eat crow if he turns out to be exceptional, but a blitzing Simoni Lawrence getting a free run at Paulus would make me smile.

I'm really rooting for this Paulus to Syracuse thing to happen.

What is this? Professional sports and free agency?

Not to mention those horrible, wobbly, Jeff Blake like arc HS passes from his clips. Mark Sanchez is another guy who throws a bad ball.

What is this? Professional sports and free agency?

Not to mention those horrible, wobbly, Jeff Blake like arc HS passes from his clips. Mark Sanchez is another guy who throws a bad ball.

Apparently the NFL scouts and coaches don't agree with you on the Mark Sanchez assessment being that he is a lock to be a top 10 pick and he sure isn't being drafted for his running ability.

according to PTI it is 95% sure thing he is going to syracuse...looking forward to the gophers getting first licks at him

Well at least we know that if Paulus is at Syracuse, our first game will be nationally televised on ESPN.

I'm so confused by all of this. How is it that he can play 4 years of basketball at Duke, then he transfers to another D1 school in Syracuse and is able to play football for them without having to sit out a year for transferring? Anyone know the details?

I'm so confused by all of this. How is it that he can play 4 years of basketball at Duke, then he transfers to another D1 school in Syracuse and is able to play football for them without having to sit out a year for transferring? Anyone know the details?

The way I understand it, had he redshirted at Duke he would not be able to but he didn't and since it is a differenct sport you can get up to a total of 5 years of eligibility from the NCAA. Also do not have to sit out because it is a different sport. The way I understand it he still has to file requesting a waiver from the NCAA.

The way I understand it, had he redshirted at Duke he would not be able to but he didn't and since it is a differenct sport you can get up to a total of 5 years of eligibility from the NCAA. Also do not have to sit out because it is a different sport. The way I understand it he still has to file requesting a waiver from the NCAA.

As long as he graduates, and he enrolls in graduate school classes at Sryacuse, its fine. The NCAA gives you 5 years of eligability, but only 4 in one sport. They have a rule that says if you graduate in 4 years, and want to play a different sport in year 5, the one year pentalty for transfering is waived. Thus Paulus could play QB for the orange next fall.

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