Frat Row Dry for football games???


Section 246 Row 4
Nov 20, 2008
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its a Darcy and WCCO article, and its listed in the articles above, but noone has commented on it yet.

I'm not sure how I feel about this. In some ways its good, because you won;t have drunk unruly fans making it miserable for families who just want to walk down University, but then again I'm still young enough that I would like to hang out at a house party and have a beer or two occasionally, and if that can't happen, I shudder to feel how the Universitry will deal with other alcohol around campus on game day....

its a Darcy and WCCO article, and its listed in the articles above, but noone has commented on it yet.

I'm not sure how I feel about this. In some ways its good, because you won;t have drunk unruly fans making it miserable for families who just want to walk down University, but then again I'm still young enough that I would like to hang out at a house party and have a beer or two occasionally, and if that can't happen, I shudder to feel how the Universitry will deal with other alcohol around campus on game day....

Here's what I took to be the key phrase:

"We are still discussing it. Right now we're looking at a visibly dry policy so that this area will be family friendly," said Shook.​

Visibly dry to me means no drinking out front rather than no drinking. It sounds like they're considering this from an image standpoint.

It has been proposed and a few houses want it but it would be fairly tough to implement. It is private property which means that anybody participating in a dry (or visibly dry) policy would have to do so willingly. When I was in school it was standard practice for us to be dry on the first floor of our chapter house during rush period (approx. the first 5 weeks of the fall semester) to avoid wet rushing. At other times we weren't dry but we required any alcoholic beverages on the porch area to be in plastic cups--not that this was fooling anybody but plastic cups on the ground looks better than a case of empty cans.

If alcohol is permitted on the private property along University Ave (frat row), which is what I expect, I doubt that it would be any different than the tailgating lots by the dome the past few years.

who cares go to a tailgating party in dinkytown. I know bunch of houses that have huge lots and are already planning big tailgating parties. Plenty of beverages will be in dinkytown

I dont think they will actually be dry, but I dont blame them for trying to give that a shot. Walking down University Ave is something that families and fans should be able to do and feel comfortable that they arent walking through woodstock. However, I am hoping that Dinkytown neighborhoods are like a giant tailgating experience. Nothing better than thousands of people enjoying front porch BBQ, kegs n eggs, lawn games, beirut/beer pong games, flip cup, etc. and students who arent going to the games will able to be a part of the school spirit of saturday morning tailgating.

I cant wait.


I'm assuming these Dinkytown lots where all this partying is going to happen are private owned property. I ask this because my reserved parking space is also on a privately owned lot off University AVe. If they can party on private Dinkytown property those of us in the afore mentioned lot should be able to also. I'll be one very disappointed Gopher fan if that isn't the case.

I don't think we need a dry policy, or visibly dry policy. Let's just make sure there aren't beer cans and broken glass everywhere on Saturday morning.

I'm assuming these Dinkytown lots where all this partying is going to happen are private owned property. I ask this because my reserved parking space is also on a privately owned lot off University AVe. If they can party on private Dinkytown property those of us in the afore mentioned lot should be able to also. I'll be one very disappointed Gopher fan if that isn't the case.

And this is where the uncertainty about how the City of Minneapolis will interpret or enforce its ordinances comes in. Initial word was that the City wasn't going to allow tailgating in private lots near TCF. Others have posted the actual ordinances and I'm still not sure they can prohibit it. I'm waiting to see what happens.

I doubt that this will affect house parties though as there will be too many of them to worry about.

The IFC and the U will set a policy that is fair both to the fraternities and the non-fraternity fans walking down University Ave.

The IFC and the U will set a policy that is fair both to the fraternities and the non-fraternity fans walking down University Ave.

The U can work with IFC to try to influence policy but it is private property so the U doesn't exactly get to make the call on this. That isn't to say that IFC won't work with the U but IFC and the individual fraternities are self governing bodies. Other campuses like Northwestern--where the University owns the property of all but 2 houses and rents them to the chapters--the University can dicatate policy but that isn't the case at Minnesota.

I doubt that this will affect house parties though as there will be too many of them to worry about.

In an article released about a month ago, a police representative offered a pretty candid quote that basically said limited resources will prevent big party patrols, and that those having house parties that are staying within any sort of reasonable limit will likely be ignored.

I recall all houses at the U went dry back in the early 1990s. It was an insurance concern. Have things changed where national is ok'ing house parties w/alcohol again? Sure we still had alcohol, but the huge blowouts that spilled into the street were pulled wayyyyyyback.

I recall all houses at the U went dry back in the early 1990s. It was an insurance concern. Have things changed where national is ok'ing house parties w/alcohol again? Sure we still had alcohol, but the huge blowouts that spilled into the street were pulled wayyyyyyback.

Are you sure it was all houses? I know from my own attendance at parties at various fraternities on University that they aren't dry. Some frats may be dry per nationals but I definitely don't think all of them ever made that change. Grunkie, care to chip in your U specific fraternity wisdom? :)

I think the term is parsing

This is a form of political correctness that the U adopted very early. Saying something, yet saying nothing. No matter what is said, you can bet your beer mug that their will be keggers in house, in back, in the basement, and maybe upstairs. Wheter it is visible or not is in the eye of the beholder.

I was just reminded by a 'brother' that it was a no keg policy. We started buying cases then....20 yrs ago Rhinelander was 6.99 a case, proabably still is.

I was just reminded by a 'brother' that it was a no keg policy. We started buying cases then....20 yrs ago Rhinelander was 6.99 a case, proabably still is.

Yea, I think the no-keg policy is becoming more standard, either as a rule laid out by either national fraternities or campus authorities (although I'm not sure how many nationals mandate something similar). I know at my alma mater kegs were banned in the late 90's after a fraternity member died following an ill-advised stunt on a campus bridge following a keg party. It was a moot point for us since my fraternity (Phi Delta Theta) went dry nationally a year before I pledged.

It's hard to find insurers that specialize in umbrella policies for fraternities so most national fraternities use the same insurance carrier. The policy expressly restricts common containers (kegs, whop, etc). I'm not sure if it has changed but a few years ago DKE was the only IFC affiliated house on campus that was permitted to have kegs and it was restricted to their members. The choice to go dry is generally the choice of the national or the chapter and most houses at the U are not dry but there are exceptions such as Fiji.

Easy enough... just make it standard practice and common knowledge that anyone who is obnoxiously drunk in public gets thrown into detox. The End.

No one cares what happens in the basement of the frat houses. But sidewalks, street, front lawns ... look out.

I really don't undestand how any of this is different than during homecoming. During the parade you have familys, strangers and fraternitys all out on university. Everyone seems to get along then, why would it be a problem on a regular game day?

I really don't undestand how any of this is different than during homecoming. During the parade you have familys, strangers and fraternitys all out on university. Everyone seems to get along then, why would it be a problem on a regular game day?

I'm sure it won't be, but I think the concern is that the concentration of fans will be much greater than even the current Homecoming crowds.

I think this is hilarious. I just finished chastising the Iowa squad for their drinking violations but I truly do believe drinking is central to social development. Forbidding it only makes it trickier and perhaps more fun. Drinking in college socializes us, even castes us depending on our ability to relate to those around us whilst drinking cheap hooch. What fun. TCF Stadium will be everything college football was meant to be and more. I'm not ashamed to say I'm extremely jealous of these kids who get to experience as students.

I guess I expected that University Avenue and these Frat houses would be similar to Melrose Ave in Iowa City and there would be a lot of vendors set up selling brats and beer and t-shirts etc. If the Frat houses could make money selling from in front of their houses, it would probaably resolve the issue as they would be too busy before the game to do too much partying.

I guess I expected that University Avenue and these Frat houses would be similar to Melrose Ave in Iowa City and there would be a lot of vendors set up selling brats and beer and t-shirts etc. If the Frat houses could make money selling from in front of their houses, it would probaably resolve the issue as they would be too busy before the game to do too much partying.

I don't know if we'll see vendors like that. If the City has anything to do with approving it I wouldn't hold my breath.

FIJI sadly, is no longer dry. I love my brothers, but they have decided (against lots of graduate brothers) to join the crowd and bring the house back to being wet.

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