Fox Coverage of BCS Championship stinks


Jan 6, 2009
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Is it me or does Fox Sports' coverage stink. Percy Harvin gets a cheap shot and they go to commercial - even after you can hear the Gator fans groan in the stands after the stadium replay. I can not wait until ABC/ESPN has the BCS broadcast.

Too many commercials, too

The announcers missed plays they apparently couldn't see well enough, didn't run obviously needed replays (the goal line interception being one), and the game was so broken up with lengthy commercials that it seemed to have little momentum or continuity. There were also weird calls, interruptions by the refs, and Oklahoma's offense looking like mearcats staring at the sidelines before most plays. Altogether a strange experience...

I wasn't impressed either. After Fox ran a promo for their extra web feeds, I opened up the Florida band, and sound coming into the feed was from the Oklahoma band. Opposite problem the other way.

Another thing that cracks me up is how TV thinks that Gatorade dumps must still be the coolest thing in sports. With over 2 minutes left in the game the cameras are following the coolers around as if there is a sneaky conspiracy going on.

Does Fox even broadcast any college football outside of some bowl games? I know they do FSN and stuff but those are much lower quality productions. It's odd to hear 2 guys broadcasting the game you haven't heard all year.

There was a game being played? I thought it was just a documentary on Tim Tebow and how much the announcers loved him. Honestly, did anyone else get sick of them talking about everything Tebow? Harvin could rush for 60 yards and Tebow got mentioned; OU could get a two yard run stuffed and they would show Tebow on the sideline; stories about Tebow/missionary work/dedication, blah blah blah over and over; ignoring his perceived "cocky antics" while frowning upon every other players. Disgusting.

Disclaimer: I think Tebow is an incredible athlete and performed well tonight. I just get sick of hearing people gushing over him at all times and ignoring everything else that is going on. Is Brenneman/Davis really the best set of announcers FOX could assemble for this game?

The thing that I loved was how their Oklahoma Play Timer would always backfire - it seemed liked whenever they showed it Oklahoma would take their time, and whenever they wouldn't show it, Oklahoma would be in hurry up mode.

There was a lot of Tebow, but I guess there is bigger problems in the world. He seems like a great guy, great football player, and great ambassador for the game of football.

At least they didn't have that stupid dancing robot from their NFL coverage.

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