Four nice recruits already verballed...


Well-known member
Nov 20, 2008
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...I know this is old news, but this is getting me pumped up, and I'm sick about posts on TCF Stadium, so I thought I'd post something different :)

Gjere, Edwards, and Zagzebski are really great gets. Hope this train keeps rolling, looks like Brewster might be on to his best class yet. Especially if Henderson wants to help us win some championships.

No doubt huh. It set's a very good tone. Plus If the class starts filling early with such good talent it will allow Brew's crew to narrow the scope to fill out the roster, meaning they can put more effort in to longshot top recruits. I like it. I'm with you I think we're looking at a top twenty class when its all done.

Everyone wants to sign the 4* and 5*'s. Brew has done well in those categories compared to the past. IMO, the main factor is bringing in players with the upside and potential to play like a 4 or a 5 by the time they are Jr' or Sr's. Esslinger and Decker are great example's.

I did a post awhile back on the average star ratings of the First All Big Ten Team picked by coaches. The O averaged 2.75 stars and the D 3.25. I will try to attach that post.

Everyone wants to sign the 4* and 5*'s. Brew has done well in those categories compared to the past. IMO, the main factor is bringing in players with the upside and potential to play like a 4 or a 5 by the time they are Jr' or Sr's. Esslinger and Decker are great example's.

I did a post awhile back on the average star ratings of the First All Big Ten Team picked by coaches. The O averaged 2.75 stars and the D 3.25. I will try to attach that post.

As mentioned in that thread, you need to also include the number of players from each star category to make the analysis meaningful. For instance, there are ~30 5-stars annually, how many are in the Big 10? Of those how many made the All Conference?

If you want to completely disgregard stars that is fine with me but the rest of us are going to look at them (and take them with a grain of salt) because it is an outside opinion on the quality of the prospect. For every 2-star like Decker and Eslinger that make a big impact there are a lot more that never had an impact. Decker was one of 9 2-star recruits in his class (Troy Reilly, Otis Hudson, Jason Sekinger, Michael McKelton, Chris Mensen, Matt Stommes, Jeff Brooks, and Richard Christy) and only one other (Stommes) has even made a contribution on the field.

Though I believe Star are an pretty good indicator of talent, the coaching is even more important. There will always be exceptions with the 2 star players, but in general they are rated pretty appropriately.

I guess the major point on stars is seeing the quality of teams that get most of the 4 & 5 star recruits and there records. They are usually top 25 teams that are annually in the BCS bowls. In regards to teams, there are always exceptions to the rule. But for every one team not loaded with 4 or 5 star talent, the other 7 or 8 teams are.

I think if you wanted to do an analysis like that, you might be best served to do it with the player rankings (e.g 5.6, 5.7, 5.8 to 6.1 etc.). I think this would give you a better indicator of what talent you have.

I thought Minnesota pulled a better class than Texas A&M last year. Minnesota's avg. player ranking, without factoring in kickers was 5.65789. Texas A&M's was 5.633333, and that's with one five-star running back commited. It's important to note this five-star wanted to go everywhere else but Texas A&M, but also wanted to stay home. He was a hell of a left over for them. But even with that, Minnesota still has the better class in my opinion.

Brewster is doing a great job up there, and I think the results from his great recruiting will start to show next season.

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