Former Temple great, Mark Macon, doing his best at scandal ridden Binghamton

Oh, and is there a better college basketball writer than Dana O'Neil?! Time and time again she gives us true reporting and journalism. She's not out there trying to be the first with a scoop or is not making news herself...she finds great stories and writes thoughtful and in-depth stories about college hoops.

Her work over the last year for is fantastic.

Go Gophers!!

Macon is doing a nice job, fielding a competitive squad despite all the turmoil surrounding that program. Even better, Binghamton's win over Vermont yesterday helped vault my brother's favorite squad (the Main Black Bears) into first place in America East.

Bleed, is there any truth to the rumors that things were so scandalous at Binghamton that Syracuse will be put on probation?

Yes, Kornheiser is a Binghamton alumnus, (however I believe it was going by its former name of Harpur College at the time of his matriculation)

Yes, Kornheiser is a Binghamton alumnus, (however I believe it was going by its former name of Harpur College at the time of his matriculation)

Matriculation........sounds like Hank Stram.

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