Former Gophers receiver Tyler Johnson talks, Bob Sansevere listens


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Nov 11, 2008
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After a record-breaking football career at the University of Minnesota, wide receiver Tyler Johnson is looking forward to an NFL career and the April 23-25 draft. Pioneer Press columnist Bob Sansevere chatted with Johnson about that and so much more. Here’s what the Minneapolis native had to say:

I grew up a Randy Moss fan. Wherever he played, that was my team.

If I could time travel to a game from this past season and watch me and the Gophers play, maybe it would be the Penn State game. I say that because I had a lot of fun in that game. The atmosphere for that game was outrageous. I got to watch my teammates do great things in that game. I got to watch the other receivers showcase their talents. It was a big game across the country.

We took it as the next game we played in. We knew what we had to do — and we went out there and did it.

As a kid, I liked Cinnamon Toast Crunch. I still eat it from time to time. I like a lot of cereals. Never had a favorite, honestly.

Go Gophers!!

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