Former Gopher QB wants to be Gopher Assistant


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Nov 20, 2008
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. . . according to Charley Walters. In Walters' January 8th column he states Mike Hohensee wants to coach at his alma mater. Hohensee has been active in football since his playing days ended at the U. He's played and has been a head coach in the Arena Football League, which I believe has suspended play in 2009.

Could Hohensee be the next OC???

Recruiting aficionados are enjoying a bonus season in 2009. In addition to the annual high school and JUCO recruiting, speculation is rife about the next coordinators.

Go Gophers!!


would we want to consider a guy who played here....was he the last QB to beat OSU here? you don't hire guys who want to be here, you hire guys who are looking for better jobs and are looking to leave as soon as the get their desk set. Mike is is good guy and knows football, he also has guts which is what made him a successful QB here. Not a candidate for us.

After thinking about it, I would not object on taking a risk on Mike being the offensive coordinator. He would want to be here. He's played quarterback. He's been a head coach for a while granted it's the arena league. I gaurantee you he's better then Dunbar!

Hohensee would be a great pick. I lived in Chicago for a few years and his arena team was always a winner, and he was well respected by the media. He would likely stick around long term and not be looking for the next big thing.

Here,here. Hohensee would be an outstanding pick and would
no doubt brighten my day.

Let's get some Minnesota guys in to help Brewster, for crying
out loud. Sig Harris and Bert Baston helped Bierman (another
M man), Butch Nash coached here forever.

Let's put the "Minnesota" back into this program, for crying out loud!

do not hire some local yocal, we need SEC brand coaching and a sexy hire to boost the program, lets put SEC into this program

Although I am all for hiring someone with roots in minnesota, I don't know if this would be the guy for us. It seems to me that coaching Arena football is a much different animal than coaching D1 football.

Have folks ever watched

Arena Football? From my perspective, it was the birth place of the wide open spread offense. Lots of receivers, sets, motion, passing (short and deep), etc.

Hohensee would be a phenomenal hire. He knows offense.

Arena ball rules are nothing like college football though. First off, you can't have the receiver in full flight when the ball is snapped LOL. Plus, some defensive rules make it easier for the offense to succeed in that game. This isn't to say he would suck, I'm just comparing the arena league to regular football.

I agree

The wide open offense in college ball is similar to the arena league. It's not like Mike has never played college football before.

Most of the time good coordinators can adjust to whatever league they are in. Yes, there are always exceptions, but I think Mike would do fine.

Receivers can be in full flight in the CFL (Candain Football League) too. Kent Austin, the offensive coordinator for Ole Miss (the team that took down Texas Tech in the Cotton Bowl) was an offensive coordinator in the CFL and former Head Coach for the SK Roughriders. I think he "adjusted" well to the college game being that their offense was pretty decent this year. They beat Florida, LSU and lost a close game to Alabama.

Arena Football? From my perspective, it was the birth place of the wide open spread offense. Lots of receivers, sets, motion, passing (short and deep), etc.

Hohensee would be a phenomenal hire. He knows offense.

I couldn't agree more! If he can teach what he saw/ did as a QB here then he'd be a great addition to the staff. Mike was mobile, had a very good/ accurate arm, and had very good field vision. If he could develop chemistry with Davis, then this would be an excellent hire.

Speaking of Gopher greats at QB any chance Mike could bring Ricky Foggie in to coach QB's. I could see Weber and Gray doing a pretty good "Sweet Feet" inpersonation.

I agree 100 per cent. Hohensee is one of my all-time favorite Gopher QB's and I have followed his career a bit since he went to the arena leagues. "Coach Ho" would be a great guy for us and I agree it would be nice to get someone who wanted to be here and someone who bled a little maroon and gold once upon a time.

He was the QB for the Gophers in 1982 and I bet some people do not know that he played vs. Tim Brewster when Brewster played for Illinois. Hohensee wasn't the tallest guy, but he used to stand on his tip toes when he was in the pocket to see over the linemen better. He was a very good QB in the run and shoot offense and he has coached for a long time. I think he would make a great hire here and who knows -- eventually he might be a good successor for Brewster after Brewster moves on. Mike Hohensee would be a great hire for us and he makes a lot of sense for a staff that needs people who want to stay here.

It just seems like he's missing a few rungs on the ladder. Maybe an assistant position to aclimate to recruiting and the college game from a coaching perspective might be more realistic.

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