Former Gopher DC Ted Roof out at Auburn and now DC at UCF

The news makes me wonder if he was forced out or left one step before the posse.

If he was forced out, that seems weird. That team lost something like 8 starters from their defense. In the SEC, when you are THAT young, you're not going to be very good. They are returning 9 starters next season. It seems fishy to me.

Maybe Roof is a hard guy to get along with, it was rumored he had a hard time here and we all assumed that was Brew, I don't know.

If he was forced out, that seems weird. That team lost something like 8 starters from their defense. In the SEC, when you are THAT young, you're not going to be very good. They are returning 9 starters next season. It seems fishy to me.

Maybe Roof is a hard guy to get along with, it was rumored he had a hard time here and we all assumed that was Brew, I don't know.
An alternative explination was that, he saw how screwed up things were, and bailed before things totally fell apart.

An alternative explination was that, he saw how screwed up things were, and bailed before things totally fell apart.

That could be. Are you talking about with corruption within Auburn? If that's the case, he's a fool, that's been pretty common knowledge with Auburn since, well, forever.

An alternative explination was that, he saw how screwed up things were, and bailed before things totally fell apart.

Maybe a little bit of both?

That could be. Are you talking about with corruption within Auburn? If that's the case, he's a fool, that's been pretty common knowledge with Auburn since, well, forever.
I was talking about here with Brew. If he bailed here; perhaps he saw something coming down in regards to Auburn

I was talking about here with Brew. If he bailed here; perhaps he saw something coming down in regards to Auburn

I would not say Roof "bailed" here. He got a job offer at an SEC school for a TON more $$$ 95% of us would do the exact same thing. It is not bailing out if you have a better offer.

I would not say Roof "bailed" here. He got a job offer at an SEC school for a TON more $$$ 95% of us would do the exact same thing. It is not bailing out if you have a better offer.
Roof took the offer and didn't even give Brew a chance to match it, I'd say he bailed, you can call it what you want.

Roof's a Southern guy and so I think that has to factor into things as well.

Seems to me that there were rumors that Roof and Brewster weren't exactly on the same page either and Roof probably saw that Brewster wasn't a good long-term bet (turned out he was right).

I don't think Roof bailed. There were just a combination of factors that produced the move.

Roof took the offer and didn't even give Brew a chance to match it, I'd say he bailed, you can call it what you want.

There was a rumor floating around though that Brew had told Roof that his services would not be needed the following year sometime during the season. According to the rumor, Roof basically had his agent put his name out there, Auburn called and the rest is history. Now, that might be Brew telling a story so he saved face, or someone else completely misconstrued what happened.

There was a rumor floating around though that Brew had told Roof that his services would not be needed the following year sometime during the season. According to the rumor, Roof basically had his agent put his name out there, Auburn called and the rest is history. Now, that might be Brew telling a story so he saved face, or someone else completely misconstrued what happened.
As I remember it, Brew was extremely angry about it, when the announcement was made. If your scenario is true why was Brew angry?

As I remember it, Brew was extremely angry about it, when the announcement was made. If your scenario is true why was Brew angry?

Brew was truly pissed. One of the conditions for Roof getting the contract here was that he'd stay for two years. Auburn was a great opportunity and like many people a better deal trumps honoring a commitment. The "rumor" that Brewster wanted Roof out seems very similar to Holtz's "Notre Dame" out. Horse-bleep created by sycophants trying to protect someone's image; that or just another "wasn't Brewster awful" pile-ons.

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