For those assuming we start off 4-0

I think we should give up now, never hope for the best, and certainly give our opponents all the credit in the world. That's the Minnesota Way. We should expect the worst and act surprised when we win.

Sorry, never been like that. Never will. Go Gophers! See you in Vegas!

My Gopher obsession is the one thing that I have in common with Emo kids, I'm addicted to the misery (also a Vikes and Wolves fan, go figure).

Bob - The first step in any addiction is to admit that you have a problem. You have now taken that first step but you you need to remember that you are not alone. Many of your fellow GopherHolers are also addicts. I suggest that all of you may might want to form a self help group "Misery Anonymous". Your mantra could be "The past is dead and gone". Hopefully in time you will able to hear a positive word without having panic attacks. In all seriousness Husker70 said it best with the following:

The hardest thing to do when playing any game. Golf, football, you name it is to forget your last play or shot and get ready for the next one. I think this was Ed Olson Jr.'s problem last year. He was too busy self examining his last play, and the next one was in front of him. You cannot execute when you are looking back.

It is hard to enjoy Gopher football when you are looking back also. Good luck!:)

GoldenHerbs said:
If they do go undefeated through the non-conference schedule, I believe that they will have simply too much confidence/swag in their ass and go down to Iowa City and whip them soundly and make it 5-0.

If we do start 4-0, the "who hates Iowa" chants should be loud whilst walking out of the Syracuse game :)

Doc, maybe you can prescribe something for so many people in Minnesota that suffer from fatalism, defeatism, pessimism, even a reference to Murphy's Law. It goes well beyond the sports arena, even into conversation. The weather has been so nice, we are going to pay for this. This is a disease that has infected the Gopher Hole.

Why are those of us who susbcribe to optimism, shooting for the moon and hoping to hit the light post, the glass is full. Why are we ridiculed and doubted?

I cannot imagine that one of the goals in the Gopher Meeting Room is hopefully go 3-1 in the non conference and 3-6 in conference. Why is this the only place 6-6 is touted as a good season and 8-4 impossible? Hopefully there is no player suscribing to former, or willing to settle for the latter.

I never once assumed we'd start 4-0. No, I assume 5-0.

Ski-U-Mah and Go Gophers!

Husker--for me i dont call it fatalism or defeatism or pessimism. I prefer to call it realism. The bad part of losing any non conference game means we have to win another big ten game to be in a bowl. However--maybe its just me but--those gophers look much bigger and stronger than last year. They all look like weightlifters. Look at Shortell for example. He looks like a monster. Maybe its my imagination but it will be interesting.

I'm even a bigger heretic I see no reason why we don't start 6-0. I see enough good things that it is certainly doable, what will it take?, discipline, jelling of the D Line, the D Backs to be as good as we think the can be, and receivers and backs, doing in the game what they're showing in practice. Will it all come together?, maybe and maybe not, but I'm not crazy in thinking that it will. Let's go out play them one at a time and see where we stand at the mid point of the season.

Honest question: even if Iowa is also 4-0 coming into that game? They'll have some swagger too (including a rivalry victory under their belt)...

(Disclaimer: I think Iowa will lose one of their non-cons against either NIU or ISU)
We own Iowa, no way they get the pig back.

We own Iowa, no way they get the pig back.

We do not own Iowa and especially do not own them when playing in Iowa City. We have won in Iowa City once since 1990. If anything, I'd say Iowa owns us when we play at Kinnick.

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