For all of you who sold your tickets to Iowa fans...


Dec 2, 2010
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Hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah!!!!!!:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Serves you right!

Haha love it! I was at a little coffee shop in Lilydale this morning picking up our caramel rolls for the tailgate when an older couple decked out in gopher gear were checking out, and when the owner asked them if they were going to the game they said that they had tickets but were going to go to the St. Thomas game instead. Now all I can think about is that I should have bought them from them and given them to my parents. At least they didn't sell them to Iowa fans though, but its time for them to get rid of their season tickets and let someone who will show up no matter what buy them.

For those of you that sold out! Suck it!!!!

There are so many big chunks of scalper season ticket holders it makes me sick.

I guess they'll have to dry their tears with the money they made.

I guess they'll have to dry their tears with the money they made.

Lame. This isn't a freedom of choice issue. This is a "i'm a terrible fan issue". Just the way it is.

Lame. This isn't a freedom of choice issue. This is a "i'm a terrible fan issue". Just the way it is.
What about those who weren't able to go and sold tickets to someone actually willing to buy them at full price?

What about those who weren't able to go and sold tickets to someone actually willing to buy them at full price?

You're kidding right?

Shameful to sell to an Iowa fan. give them to the Boys and Girls Clubs, for cryin' out loud!

You're kidding right?

Shameful to sell to an Iowa fan. give them to the Boys and Girls Clubs, for cryin' out loud!
You clearly didn't read the thread where someone was saying they needed to sell because they don't make a lot of money. Completely understandable in that situation to sell to the highest bidder so to speak.

What about those who weren't able to go and sold tickets to someone actually willing to buy them at full price?

Give it up. No matter sell your tickets to a Iowa fan and you become a terrible Gopher fan. Sorry-there isn't a way around it.

You clearly didn't read the thread where someone was saying they needed to sell because they don't make a lot of money. Completely understandable in that situation to sell to the highest bidder so to speak.

I read that thread, and someone there made the very fair point that if they paid for the tickets in the first place, and they would have gone to the game if the Gophers were 6-1 instead of 1-6, then they can obviously afford it.
Obviously everyone had the right to do whatever they wish with their tickets, and I can't fault anyone for selling, but if you're gonna sell to a rival fan without making an effort to find a Gopher fan to take your tickets, or because the rival fan made a slightly better offer, then you're the kind of fan who will (hopefully) be phased out when the team gets more popular and tickets become harder to come by.

I was offered 4 free tickets and a tailgating spot…. I turned them down ; what a fraud I am..I am sorry Gold Country, this is my confession and I promise to never do it again.

"For all of you who sold your tickets to Iowa fans... "

The Bird of Paradise will crap on their Birthday Cake AND in their Christmas Stocking.

Haha love it! I was at a little coffee shop in Lilydale this morning picking up our caramel rolls for the tailgate when an older couple decked out in gopher gear were checking out, and when the owner asked them if they were going to the game they said that they had tickets but were going to go to the St. Thomas game instead. Now all I can think about is that I should have bought them from them and given them to my parents. At least they didn't sell them to Iowa fans though, but its time for them to get rid of their season tickets and let someone who will show up no matter what buy them.

I wonder if they were the same customers who came into my store.

Im sorry... but any Gopher fan who sells their tickets to a vadger or hogeye fan should die in a fire, and subsequently give up their tickets to a better season ticket holder.

What kind of "fan" is worse: season ticket holders that sell off some of their games to opposing fans, or the masses of alumni and others within this metro area of 3 million that never purchase a ticket? I always see arguments how the people selling tickets should be giving up their tickets to more dedicated Gopher fans. Where are these fans? Am I just unaware of some large block of deprived ticket-less Gopher fans?

I ended up GIVING my tickets to my sister because no Hawkeye or Gopher fan was willing to pay face value for my tickets. I couldn't go but listened to the game on my 2 hour bus ride. Those of you who found someone to buy at face or higher congratulations.


I was offered 4 free tickets and a tailgating spot…. I turned them down ; what a fraud I am..I am sorry Gold Country, this is my confession and I promise to never do it again.

Come to the next game and I'll give you a beer or two.

Schnauzer said:
What kind of "fan" is worse: season ticket holders that sell off some of their games to opposing fans, or the masses of alumni and others within this metro area of 3 million that never purchase a ticket? I always see arguments how the people selling tickets should be giving up their tickets to more dedicated Gopher fans. Where are these fans? Am I just unaware of some large block of deprived ticket-less Gopher fans?

Also, some people have a hard time understanding that people have different priorities at different times in their lives. At 30 with a toddler I only get to see a few hours a day during the week, I will take one or two Saturdays off during the football season.

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