Football Scoop


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Feb 9, 2009
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Minnesota: Our sources tell us recruiting coordinator Dan Berezowitz, offensive quality control Tony Sorrentino, and defensive quality control Jordan Gigli will not serve on Jerry Kill's new staff.

Will they be replaced or is there some other organizational structure Kill prefers? Will he want more trainers?

Brez was a glorified admin who made good money for doing little. I would rather that money go to an actual coach who has that added responsibility like a lot of programs do. The administrative tasks(booking airfare, etc.) could be done by an admin for significantly less. Good luck Brez, it couldn't have happened to a more deserving guy.

Brez was a glorified admin who made good money for doing little. I would rather that money go to an actual coach who has that added responsibility like a lot of programs do. The administrative tasks(booking airfare, etc.) could be done by an admin for significantly less. Good luck Brez, it couldn't have happened to a more deserving guy.

Wow...tell us how you really feel. This guy hook up with your wife or something?

Oh, and I just like posting this picture...


What exactly is a defensive or offensive coordinator? mean offensive and defensive quality control, right? No idea.

...but a quick google search suggests that they run scout teams, break down film in advance of upcoming opponents (weeks into the future) and assist the coaches during practice.

...but a quick google search suggests that they run scout teams, break down film in advance of upcoming opponents (weeks into the future) and assist the coaches during practice.

Correct. Entry level job. They work behind the scenes and do a lot of prep work. They work heavily with film and scouting (tendencies, breakdown, cut-ups, etc.). The work they do makes game-week preparation more manageable and productive for the coaches.

It is actually the way that a lot of coaches get into the business, as the dirty work they have to do exposes them to a lot of details that end up helping them as coaches later on. In addition, they are forced to have a good work ethic since they do a ton and get paid next to nothing.

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