Follow-up to Tonight's GLC Signing Day Event


Section 211
Nov 12, 2008
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[UPDATED: See below for new link of entire presser. Billd]

Got to attend tonight's GLC Signing Day Event. It was great as usual. See GopherLady's summary thread for Coach's remarks.

At the end of tonight the Gophers loss to Michigan in 2011 came up...of course in the context of winning at Ann Arbor this year.

It reminded me of Coach's weekly, Tuesday presser after this game back in 2011. It was too early in the tenure to appreciate what we know now about our HC and his staff.

I did a quick YouTube search and came up with a three-minute KSTP snippet of this presser. The original is 14 minutes and was the basis of "In Kill We Trust."

Step into the Wayback Machine and here's the link:

Frankly it's amazing how far and fast we've come...of course for Minnesota.

Enjoying the ride.

Starting to get a feeling about 2015...

Go Gophers! Get the new facilities!

Got to attend tonight's GLC Signing Day Event. It was great as usual. See GopherLady's summary thread for Coach's remarks.

At the end of tonight the Gophers loss to Michigan in 2011 came up...of course in the context of winning at Ann Arbor this year.

It reminded me of Coach's weekly, Tuesday presser after this game back in 2011. It was too early in the tenure to appreciate what we know now about our HC and his staff.

I did a quick YouTube search and came up with a three-minute KSTP snippet of this presser. The original is 14 minutes and was the basis of "In Kill We Trust."

Step into the Wayback Machine and here's the link:

Frankly it's amazing how far and fast we've come...of course for Minnesota.

Enjoying the ride.

Starting to get a feeling about 2015...

Go Gophers! Get the new facilities!

That is great to watch knowing what we know now.

Wow, that's well worth the watch. Cool stuff.

I feel like I just got done watching the best preacher ever. (In a good way).

Step into the Wayback Machine and here's the link:
Enjoying the ride.

Thanks for posting this. Isn't this fun?! I love listening to JK preach. He's passionate, determined, and there's an air of confidence in what he's doing that is infectious. Those of us who have followed his career aren't surprised he's getting it done here. And, I'm convinced he's not done.

Anyone who listened to his various media interviews, public statements, and his press conference yesterday ought to filter those comments through the prism of that 2011 message...then try not to pee your pants with excitement. lol. It sure sounds like JK has upgraded the talent. Even OSU needed a few breaks to win it all last year. Here's hoping the Gophers get their fair share this year.

it's hard not to like JK...his intro presser, something about his no BS, down-to-earth attitude struck a chord with me. Sometimes, you don't want to get your hopes up because we all know (in Mn) how that ALWAYS ends up. I really do believe in him and will keep believing in him until something or somebody proves otherwise. I see it this way, if ALL his players love him, his coaching staff loves him, he continues to improve the program (not just W/L), then he DESERVES accolades and RESPECT.

Agree with everything said. #1 reason I like Jerry Kill, he brings mental toughness. A never give up attitude. Tells it like it is as well.

From everything I've heard this was another great GLC event. Glad to hear it.

I gotta move back to the Cities. This living in Wisconsin crap is for the birds. I'm lucky enough to make it to most home games in the Fall, but as a card-carrying GLC member, it kills me to miss these kinds of events.

it's hard not to like JK...his intro presser, something about his no BS, down-to-earth attitude struck a chord with me. Sometimes, you don't want to get your hopes up because we all know (in Mn) how that ALWAYS ends up. I really do believe in him and will keep believing in him until something or somebody proves otherwise. I see it this way, if ALL his players love him, his coaching staff loves him, he continues to improve the program (not just W/L), then he DESERVES accolades and RESPECT.

Well said, Rebecca

From everything I've heard this was another great GLC event. Glad to hear it.

I gotta move back to the Cities. This living in Wisconsin crap is for the birds. I'm lucky enough to make it to most home games in the Fall, but as a card-carrying GLC member, it kills me to miss these kinds of events.

Me too as I missed it also, GBG. Although, I was able to make to it there #BeerAndFootball event, which was outstanding. I defintely hope to make it to 2016's Signing Day Social.

Got to attend tonight's GLC Signing Day Event. It was great as usual. See GopherLady's summary thread for Coach's remarks.

At the end of tonight the Gophers loss to Michigan in 2011 came up...of course in the context of winning at Ann Arbor this year.

It reminded me of Coach's weekly, Tuesday presser after this game back in 2011. It was too early in the tenure to appreciate what we know now about our HC and his staff.

I did a quick YouTube search and came up with a three-minute KSTP snippet of this presser. The original is 14 minutes and was the basis of "In Kill We Trust."

Step into the Wayback Machine and here's the link:

Frankly it's amazing how far and fast we've come...of course for Minnesota.

Enjoying the ride.

Starting to get a feeling about 2015...

Go Gophers! Get the new facilities!

Good stuff. Amazing how he is always so transparent, especially on the comments about progress being measured by getting the players to attend class.

on the "related" content on the side was the post-game comments after the loss to NDSU. (link) Another lowpoint of that first season. Also a good view in retrospect, especially his comments about breaking down to the basics for the QBs, teaching them how to play QB. Not all that different than he is doing with Leidner.

Go Jerry Kill!!!!!!!!!!!

His comments on the Michigan touchdown and heads going down, thats something I think our Basketball fan board needs to realize as well. Mental toughness is not something you can turn over in a year time. You need to graduate that mentality out of your system and replace it with positive attitude and a consistent approach. Pitino is far from KillCo from a message perspective but the fact remains that he took over a team that was expecting to blow leads and blow seasons at the first sight of adversity.

Get'r Done Jer.

I did anyone else find it odd that coach kill did not acknowledge the kids who were at the event this year? The OL from Red Wing (Connelly) was near me. I assume there were others. Last year he had them come up front. Why not mention those that were present?

Good observation.

Justin noted that members of the team were available for autographs at the start.

I'll note the event is pretty scripted. Could be as simple as they wanted to get through the full list (with the slideshow) and not highlight individual players.

Hard to know.

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