Fixing the Crooked M


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Mar 9, 2009
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Does anyone know when they are going to fix the crooked M on the upper deck visitor's side? It makes the "Minnesota" look uncentered. See the aerial here on page 4:

You can also see it on the recent video update of the turf at the beginning of the video:

GoAUpher mentioned before that it was going to be fixed, and ditt1605 thought that it might already have been fixed, but you can tell from the video that it hasn't. An M should be symmetric and the one in the upper deck has an angled left side and vertical right side. It just looks bad. I know it seems like a small detail, but it's driving me nuts and wouldn't you know it... it's right where I'll be sitting.

Neut, you are not going to get a decent nights sleep until the problem is corrected. Am I correct?

How does the M on the other side look?? Is it symmetrical or crooked? If the other is symmetrical, then I bet the crooked M gets fixed.

We're going to be the nation's laughingstock!! Fix it.

How does the M on the other side look?? Is it symmetrical or crooked? If the other is symmetrical, then I bet the crooked M gets fixed.
I think I remember from someone that took a tour, the M will be fixed. I would think it would be done before the keys are turned over.

Talk about "anal". It's fine as is, especially when the seats are... ahem... filled!

Does anyone know when they are going to fix the crooked M on the upper deck visitor's side? It makes the "Minnesota" look uncentered. See the aerial here on page 4:

You can also see it on the recent video update of the turf at the beginning of the video:

GoAUpher mentioned before that it was going to be fixed, and ditt1605 thought that it might already have been fixed, but you can tell from the video that it hasn't. An M should be symmetric and the one in the upper deck has an angled left side and vertical right side. It just looks bad. I know it seems like a small detail, but it's driving me nuts and wouldn't you know it... it's right where I'll be sitting.

I can't find the post, but someone else had asked Brian Swanson, the Stadium Project Coordinator about it and he said it would be fixed. His e-mail is [email protected]. I don't have any further word myself as I haven't e-mailed him. :)

Looks like there is more maroon to the right hand side of the 'A' than there should be. I suggest moving all the letters about 2-feet to the right, to center it within the 'margins'. :):)

IIRC, it was a mistake by the contractors, and they'll be fixing it prior to the project being declared completed.

It's fine as is, especially when the seats are... ahem... filled!

I couldn't agree with you more. I'll try to let it go. Either way, if a crooked M is our only problem, then we'll be okay. It sure is shaping up to be an amazing stadium. The bottom line is that we are very lucky.

It sounds like a punch list item. Anybody who has ever bought a new house knows that there are inevitably a lot of these items.

So true on the house punch list. I bought my house 3 and 1/2 years ago (I know, great timing) and I am just finally getting to some of the things I wanted to change right away.

I emailed Brian back in early April alerting him to how bad the M looked and questioned if that was the final product:

he wrote back on April 10th with this:

"Hmmm ...
You raise an interesting point.
I'll look into it.

- Brian"

and then again a few days later with this:

"I am told that the slant on the M is something that is already scheduled to

- Brian"

How about painting something similar on the club seating roofing?

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