
Go Gophers Rah

Section 238 Row 21
Nov 13, 2008
Reaction score
That is the official goal for 2009.

How the Gophers start (the game, the season, etc.). is not nearly as important as how the Gophers finish.

Today, they finished the job and are 1-0.

As long as they keep focused on finishing, this season will be an improvement over the past.

Go Gophers.

That is the official goal for 2009.

How the Gophers start (the game, the season, etc.). is not nearly as important as how the Gophers finish.

Today, they finished the job and are 1-0.

As long as they keep focused on finishing, this season will be an improvement over the past.

Go Gophers.

true in the past the gophers were often a first half team and usually failed to make 2nd half adjustments (see michigan 2003, wisconsin 2005, etc). this game (especially on d) showed that they are at least capable of making some adjustments, which is a positive turn of events.

We had testicular brassworks on defense last year too--for the first half of the season.

We've adjusted before, even during the Mason era.......

We finished, I'm happy but it was still Syracuse, not too Optimistic just yet.......

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