Ferentz to testify

When are law enforcement officials throughout Iowa going to start taking it easy on the Hawkeye football program? It seems they are always going out of their way to lure the football team away from its studies with some arcane set-up that frames them with some alleged impropriety.

Man, DJK knows how to party...

Iowa should have a required class for their athletes. "DNA for dummies".

Wonder if this trial will cut into Capt. Kirk's recruiting schedule?

This is a sad situation. A potential tragedy for the woman and long periods of jail time for the young men. I find no glee in the fact that it involves the hated Hawkeyes.

This is a sad situation. A potential tragedy for the woman and long periods of jail time for the young men. I find no glee in the fact that it involves the hated Hawkeyes.

It is a tragedy.

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