Feb. 9th Gophers vs. Badgers T-Shirt (Gopher Shirts)

Gopher Shirts

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Jan 12, 2012
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Gopher Shirts is a project a few recent U of M grads (and die-hard Gopher fans) have started.

On February 9th, versus the reviled Badgers, we want to see The Barn full of the following shirt:

Worst State Ever.jpg

Even if you can't make the game, we want Gopher fans to wear this shirt as they cheer our team on at the bar or in the company of annoying Badgers fans.

At this point, we are only gauging interest in the above t-shirt design. We are looking to hit a very reasonable number before we commit to selling and shipping the shirts.

The shirts go for $20 a pop, including shipping and handling. If you are interested in purchasing a shirt, please email us your name and address at [email protected] and we will respond promptly with how to make a payment.

We know this design isn't original. We've also seen a similar design in the Texas-Oklahoma rivalry, Ohio State-Michigan rivalry, and Wisconsin seems to print up these shirts for any team they play. We figure, why shouldn't Gopher fans get in on the fun? If these shirts are a success, we have several other fresh and edgy designs (and a website) we look forward to launching.

***Disclaimer: By sending us your name and address, we have not agreed to sell a shirt. Instead, once we we meet our goal of the number of shirts we hope to sell, we will email you confirming our acceptance to the sale and information on how to make the payment.***

now that is a classy looking shirt. and the message is spot on. :D

Don't really understand praising the unoriginality of it - but looking forward to the launching of the site.

Hate the team, not my state! Seriously though, I'm looking forward to the launch as well. It's nowhere near easy enough to find genuinely humorous Gopher shirts.

Any gophers shirt knocking Wisconsin is a shirt I'd gladly buy two of.

FWIW, posted this picture on facebook and up to 8 likes within 4 hours.

I would buy this shirt, but idk if it will be safe since I live in Wisconsin...

Will you be selling matching toilet paper with the Wisconsin "W" on it? I can think of no better toilet paper than a brand with the "W". When you say Wisconsin, you say wipe.

Betterdeadthanred is a bad username on Gopherhole.

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