Fans of the Marching Band, Here's Your Chance to Show It


rank lieutenant
Nov 12, 2008
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There has been a number of discussions pop up here about the Marching Band and the fact that it's been a long time since they have gone to a regular season road game. I just received an e-mail from the Band Alumni Society and they are trying to do something about this:

or Excellence Campaign.pdf

For everyone that has posted here that they would gladly put some money into a drop box or pay an extra fee on your season tickets to help the band travel, here is an excellent way you can have the same effect. Please consider making a donation.

I was lucky enough to play in the marching band for two years in 1989 and 1990 and we took trips to Northwestern and Michigan. It was a great experience that I hope future band members will once again be able to experience annually.

You beat me to it. I was in the band from '02-'05 and we were lucky enough to take a few bowl trips. Having been to most other B1G schools for away games as a spectator though, I can say that current UMMB members would remember away game trips to other schools for the rest of their lives. Plus, IMO the general culture of our football program can change if our band is able to consistently travel to non-bowl away games. Therefore, I believe this is a chance for not only fans of the band, but for Minnesota Football fans in general to show support.

I donate yearly through the online donation systems, but this is perfect. I know some on this board don't care if the bans plays, some don't care if they travel, but fact is they're an important part of the gameday experience and marketing of the University. Hopefully this works and maybe the band alumni association can work with the AD over this next year to bolster support.

I really want to encourage this. The marching band hasn't been able to attend regular season away game since 1997. Now they're talking about at least once every other year! This could be a really huge deal for the marching band and fans of Gopher football as a whole.

I was a four year member of the band, and just graduated this past spring. I don't have a lot of money right now, but I'm going to throw $20 or so bucks their way because I REALLY want this to happen, and I would encourage others to do the same.

'Sup Band Alums, Bone 98-02, Staff 03-04

Matt Clark gave me the sales pitch during homecoming, and it's about time we got something together. What impressed me was the willingness to go after corporate donations, and this looks like th efirst step he explained to me. Get alumni donations, then go after corporate ones. I think he said $1,000,000 would endow the travelling fund. Let's hope we get there!

I did a poll on GH recently to ask how many season ticket holders would donate when then purchase their tix. 55% indicated they would donate $25 or more. $25 average donation x 17,000 = $425,000 which would really give their efforts a huge jumpstart. Even half that amount would help.

I will be in touch with Mr. Deim again to pass this info on as well as the Marching Band group and marketing. Maturi too, I guess although I would be surprised if he would push it.

And why not put donation stands manned marching band look-alikes on gameday at TCF?

It seems as if the Marching band has chosen not to make travel a part of their agenda. Nor has Maturi done anything to encourage it.

I am not well of financially thanks to grad school...but to get the band more involved, I can find $50 somewhere.

I may get ripped here, but...

I don't want visiting bands at TCF Bank Stadium, especially Wiskinsin. I encourage others to contribute, but I don't generally like the idea of visiting bands in the home stadium. Knock yourself out.

I don't want visiting bands at TCF Bank Stadium, especially Wiskinsin. I encourage others to contribute, but I don't generally like the idea of visiting bands in the home stadium. Knock yourself out.

Thanks for sharing.

I don't want visiting bands at TCF Bank Stadium, especially Wiskinsin. I encourage others to contribute, but I don't generally like the idea of visiting bands in the home stadium. Knock yourself out.

That's your opinion, which is fine. My opinion, is that having visiting bands here adds to the pageantry of college football and is part of what makes it great. My only problem recently with opposing bands is the fact we've (football team, not band) been bad, so the opposing band is playing a lot when they come here...haha

As much as I hate the SEC, I think it's awesome when you can hear the bands going back and forth as the momentum shifts.

In terms of wisconsin, f them. Make them buy tickets like they make bands that visit camp randall.

From what I was told today, the goal is to have the band travel next year. This is good news for me and I hope the UM can officially get the band back on the road again! And lets leave it at that at this point.

Are they going to play the collective works of John Williams on the road, too? No thanks.

No Foggie, I think the band would stick to what they know best -- a medley of TV theme songs with such current gems as Laverne & Shirley. The only redeeming feature about the band is that they're the only students who actually show up for the games.

Anybody know how this is going?

The UMBAS (University Minnesota Band Alumni Society) is currently working to organize its fundraising campaign and gather in individuals at the UM and the community to assist with the project. Their initial goal is to find seed money to jump start the process and, to date, are off to a very good start. At some point, the group plans to go public with a social media campaign but not at this time.

I conducted a poll on GH where 42 GH-ers indicated that they would donate $25 and upwards to fund a band trip. Those who said they would donate can send me a PM or go to the UMBAS website
Donations will be tax deductable. Or others can do the same as any donation will be most helpful. I will be making my modest donation today.

In addition to working to fund future band trips and endowments to assist the band with its operations, there are members of the organization who are interested in working on ways to help create a better gameday atmosphere and experience both at TCF and on campus. I think the majority of GH-ers agree that there is lots of work to do in that area and the marching band is an intergral part of making that happen.

At this point, this process is in the preliminary stages but appears to be making excellent progress. The representative that I have talked to has convinced me that they are very locked into this project and have an ambitious, but realistic goal to get the band on the road yet during the 2012 season.

GH-ers can be a big boost to this program not only through donations but also spreading the word to family members, fellow fans, neighbors, co-workers and others who value what the band and the football program bring to the University of Minnesota.

I will be posting more info as I receive it.

The UMBAS (University Minnesota Band Alumni Society) is currently working to organize its fundraising campaign and gather in individuals at the UM and the community to assist with the project. Their initial goal is to find seed money to jump start the process and, to date, are off to a very good start. At some point, the group plans to go public with a social media campaign but not at this time.

I conducted a poll on GH where 42 GH-ers indicated that they would donate $25 and upwards to fund a band trip. Those who said they would donate can send me a PM or go to the UMBAS website
Donations will be tax deductable. Or others can do the same as any donation will be most helpful. I will be making my modest donation today.

In addition to working to fund future band trips and endowments to assist the band with its operations, there are members of the organization who are interested in working on ways to help create a better gameday atmosphere and experience both at TCF and on campus. I think the majority of GH-ers agree that there is lots of work to do in that area and the marching band is an intergral part of making that happen.

At this point, this process is in the preliminary stages but appears to be making excellent progress. The representative that I have talked to has convinced me that they are very locked into this project and have an ambitious, but realistic goal to get the band on the road yet during the 2012 season.

GH-ers can be a big boost to this program not only through donations but also spreading the word to family members, fellow fans, neighbors, co-workers and others who value what the band and the football program bring to the University of Minnesota.

I will be posting more info as I receive it.
Bayfield, were you in the band or just a big fan? I've noticed you comment a lot on the band threads and, as evidenced above, actively look for ways to improve the band. Other posters elude to their membership in the band, but I've never gotten that from you. Just curious.

Bayfield, were you in the band or just a big fan? I've noticed you comment a lot on the band threads and, as evidenced above, actively look for ways to improve the band. Other posters elude to their membership in the band, but I've never gotten that from you. Just curious.

Just a fan Nokomis.

I am committed to do my part in creating a better gameday experience. Marching Bands are an intergral part of the college football experience.

When we travel to games, Mrs Bayfield and I always try to take part in the band pre-game activity. Sometimes its a challenge to locate where the event is held. We even took in the Northwestern pregame this Fall which was very minor and low key compared to what takes places like Madison. Still it was fun.

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