Famous Jameis Winston is "crabby"

It's obvious he's just hungry... There's probably more to this behind the scenes I would guess. My hunch is this has been going on a while (not just winston perpetrating) or someone complained about him leaving with free food. Otherwise, who cares?

It's obvious he's just hungry... There's probably more to this behind the scenes I would guess. My hunch is this has been going on a while (not just winston perpetrating) or someone complained about him leaving with free food. Otherwise, who cares?

Just trying to decipher what you mean by "who cares?". Do you mean why should the store care that he shoplifted? Or why is this a national story?

Just trying to decipher what you mean by "who cares?". Do you mean why should the store care that he shoplifted? Or why is this a national story?

second part. if it's just one guy, one time, it really should not be national news. but then again, since ESPN has decided to become sports TMZ, i suppose it should be expected

Just trying to decipher what you mean by "who cares?". Do you mean why should the store care that he shoplifted? Or why is this a national story?

probably the latter for obvious reasons the store should care, but it's also obvious why it's a big story, but if I was an NFL exec I could care less, dude can ball

second part. if it's just one guy, one time, it really should not be national news. but then again, since ESPN has decided to become sports TMZ, i suppose it should be expected

I think it may be made into a bigger deal because this isn't the first time we have heard of Winston getting in trouble.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>Best Jameis Winston jokes! <a href="http://t.co/9LZpSV6LuS">http://t.co/9LZpSV6LuS</a> (via <a href="https://twitter.com/MadeByTim">@MadeByTim</a>) <a href="http://t.co/jEEvxcXjCJ">pic.twitter.com/jEEvxcXjCJ</a></p>— SB Nation (@SBNation) <a href="https://twitter.com/SBNation/statuses/461647759255560193">April 30, 2014</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>I look at those crabs and said is you skrong? We skrong if u skrong. We skrong then <a href="http://t.co/jZlMneslMd">pic.twitter.com/jZlMneslMd</a></p>— Reese Waters (@reesewaters) <a href="https://twitter.com/reesewaters/statuses/461541142065315840">April 30, 2014</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p><a href="https://t.co/akuHY7RAO5">pic.twitter.com/akuHY7RAO5</a></p>— Stewart Mandel (@slmandel) <a href="https://twitter.com/slmandel/statuses/461584956557254656">April 30, 2014</a></blockquote>
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We now know for sure he is not a kid who bad luck visited unless we believe it visited him about 10 times. He clearly believes rules are for mortals not NC winning QBs.
Basically, FSU football is back, in many dimensions.

I think he merely misinterpreted the NCAA's dictum allowing for unlimited meals and snacks for athletes.

I am sick of these kids doing stupid things putting their teams in jeopardy. Totally shellfish move.

The NFL should just start a minor league. The kid is a rapist, a thief and a "student-athlete".

We now know for sure he is not a kid who bad luck visited unless we believe it visited him about 10 times. He clearly believes rules are for mortals not NC winning QBs.
Basically, FSU football is back, in many dimensions.

Free Shoe U is back. Is crab an upgrade?

I'm an FSU fan going back to the Wide Right days, but can't say I'm surprised. Great player, tremendous pain in the rear. Self-entitled with a superiority complex. One of the articles I read said that no charges were pressed, but he got in trouble for going into a Burger King, asking for a cup of water, and then taking the cup and continuously filling it up with soda. Who does that? I find it hard to believe that he didn't have $2. He just does whatever he wants, thinking he'll get away with it because he's a star athlete.

I think the botched rape investigation and cover-up by the police and university proved why he thinks that way.

Unless one chooses to bury their head in the sand, a lot of arrows seem to be pointing in the direction that Jameis has some major character flaws. I won't be surprised at all if there'll be some yahoos out there who'll turn this into another rant against the NCAA, saying this is more proof that these pampered athletes aren't getting fed enough. ... they have to resort to shoplifting and stealing a $1 soda pop to appease their poor little tummies!

Given the past rape allegations I must admit I read the headline about crabs and was expecting a much different story that had nothing to do with shoplifting.

Given the past rape allegations I must admit I read the headline about crabs and was expecting a much different story that had nothing to do with shoplifting.

Ha. Nice! Funny:eek:

Saying he totally forgot to pay is total bs. Certainly has character issues

Not really the best item to shoplift. Rib eyes.

anyone else remember that show "supermarket sweep" that used to be on cable back in the 90's? i am telling you that jameis winston would have been the next "ken jennings" of supermarket sweep. the dude can ball when it comes to loading up a shopping cart full of stuff he doesn't have to or want to pay for. ;)


p.s. if you don't know who ken jennings is.....google him and you will know what i am talking about

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