
The 12th Man

Nov 20, 2008
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I love that people are getting all bent out of shape right now. Seriously- I love it. It means expectations have changed greatly.

-We now expect to get Army All-Americans (6 of 11 Big Ten teams didn't have any)
-We now expect to get UnderArmour All-Americans (5 of 11 Big Ten teams don't have any- we have two)
-A recruiting class is no longer acceptable unless it is Top 25 after having it happen for the first time ever last year
-We DEMAND that our in-state kids stay home after seeing them leave in droves over the years
-A 4* kid goes to Clemson and people are all but calling for the coach's firing
-3* players are now secondary options

Thank you! Some sanity finally showed up today.

The expectations came right from the coaches mouth, that's my only issue with this. 2 Recruits by the end of the week, we all know what he was insinuating. I'm not ready to give up on Brewster, I just would like to see a little less talk and more humility.

I love that people are getting all bent out of shape right now. Seriously- I love it. It means expectations have changed greatly.

-We now expect to get Army All-Americans (6 of 11 Big Ten teams didn't have any)
-We now expect to get UnderArmour All-Americans (5 of 11 Big Ten teams don't have any- we have two)
-A recruiting class is no longer acceptable unless it is Top 25 after having it happen for the first time ever last year
-We DEMAND that our in-state kids stay home after seeing them leave in droves over the years
-A 4* kid goes to Clemson and people are all but calling for the coach's firing
-3* players are now secondary options

Watch out. We don't go for logical, level-headed analysis around these parts. ;)

You're right though. The culture is slowly changing around here. Not as fast as many would like it to, but it is happening. Good times in 2-3 years.

The expectations came right from the coaches mouth, that's my only issue with this. 2 Recruits by the end of the week, we all know what he was insinuating. I'm not ready to give up on Brewster, I just would like to see a little less talk and more humility.

I agree and I would also like to see some better game day coaching and game planning. Recruiting is only half the battle.

Hahaha, thank you. I just got done telling off the creator of the "Brewster....." post. What a loser. This current recruiting class still rates better than any of Mason's, and he will have the actual stadium to recruit at next year. Some people need to get a life on this board, Brewster is doing a fine job.

The expectations came right from the coaches mouth, that's my only issue with this. 2 Recruits by the end of the week, we all know what he was insinuating. I'm not ready to give up on Brewster, I just would like to see a little less talk and more humility.

He never said by the end of the week. He said in the next week or so. Stop spinning what he man said. You want humility? Not many successful coaches are humble. Sorry.

He didn't meet your expectations, so now you want to blame him. I will wait until signing day to judge Brew.

great post 12th

Expectations are what we have needed for a long time. As far as recruits go, sure getting all top 25 type of guys would be great but really, recruits come and go, disappoint and surprise. How many tackles did Mobley have this year? What BCS game was Notre Dame in? As many wash out as do well.

I love that people are getting all bent out of shape right now. Seriously- I love it. It means expectations have changed greatly.

-We now expect to get Army All-Americans (6 of 11 Big Ten teams didn't have any)
-We now expect to get UnderArmour All-Americans (5 of 11 Big Ten teams don't have any- we have two)
-A recruiting class is no longer acceptable unless it is Top 25 after having it happen for the first time ever last year
-We DEMAND that our in-state kids stay home after seeing them leave in droves over the years
-A 4* kid goes to Clemson and people are all but calling for the coach's firing
-3* players are now secondary options

I found myself thinking the same things while watching these recruits pick their hats at the end of the AA game (except the #'s of AA's, thank you). Someone needed to bring the ropes back in... thank you 12th. We have a very good recruiting class and we still have recruits out there. Take a breath, the world is not imploding.

He never said by the end of the week. He said in the next week or so. Stop spinning what he man said. You want humility? Not many successful coaches are humble. Sorry.

He didn't meet your expectations, so now you want to blame him. I will wait until signing day to judge Brew.

There are plenty of successful and humble coaches out there, let's see Tom Osborne, Turner Gill, Joe Paterno, etc...

I love that people are getting all bent out of shape right now. Seriously- I love it. It means expectations have changed greatly.

-We now expect to get Army All-Americans (6 of 11 Big Ten teams didn't have any)
-We now expect to get UnderArmour All-Americans (5 of 11 Big Ten teams don't have any- we have two)
-A recruiting class is no longer acceptable unless it is Top 25 after having it happen for the first time ever last year
-We DEMAND that our in-state kids stay home after seeing them leave in droves over the years
-A 4* kid goes to Clemson and people are all but calling for the coach's firing
-3* players are now secondary options

Agree 100%! There's no way you can deny that Mason did some good things here but my biggest problem with him by far was that his last few years here, he seemed to spend half his time telling us we shouldn't, couldn't expect more than six or seven wins. This thinking from the leader of the program drove me crazy.

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