Excessive Whining

old chap

Section 211-Row 15
Nov 22, 2008
Reaction score
Is anyone else tired of all the people worrying/complaining about every little thing related to TCF? Between the different boards I've read, here is a quick list.

- Donation Amounts
- Tailgating Spots
- Railing Heights
- Scoreboard Location (one of my personal favs!)
- Lack of Student Ticket email (even though a link with info is up)
- Lack of Info on Student Gameday Entrance Procedures
- Game Times
- The waiting list
- On and on

I realize a lot of this is from passionate fans who want the best experience possible, but all in all, the U has done an excellent job of getting information out in a timely manner for season-ticket holders. The experience of TCF is going to be amazing compared to the Dome. I wish people could just relax a little. Football is coming to back to campus, enjoy it! :clap:

I guess I haven't. mostly I've seen excitement about it all. But i don't read many of the TCF threads.

Is anyone else tired of all the people worrying/complaining about every little thing related to TCF? Between the different boards I've read, here is a quick list.

- Donation Amounts
- Tailgating Spots
- Railing Heights
- Scoreboard Location (one of my personal favs!)
- Lack of Student Ticket email (even though a link with info is up)
- Lack of Info on Student Gameday Entrance Procedures
- Game Times
- The waiting list
- On and on

I realize a lot of this is from passionate fans who want the best experience possible, but all in all, the U has done an excellent job of getting information out in a timely manner for season-ticket holders. The experience of TCF is going to be amazing compared to the Dome. I wish people could just relax a little. Football is coming to back to campus, enjoy it! :clap:

I agree with everything you say, with the exception of how entrance to the student section will be handled. I don't understand the subterfuge, and why it can't just be laid out how this will take place. Will it be that anyone will be allowed a seat if they have a student voucher/ticket? Will student ID be necessary? Furthermore, will it be a free-for-all seating, or exchanging a voucher at the gate for assigned seating?

If they already know their plan, why not say so? Student season tickets go on sale in 9 days. If they simply haven't decided the answers to these questions, then fine...but they should say so if that is the case.

Is anyone else tired of all the people worrying/complaining about every little thing related to TCF? Between the different boards I've read, here is a quick list.

- Donation Amounts
- Tailgating Spots
- Railing Heights
- Scoreboard Location (one of my personal favs!)
- Lack of Student Ticket email (even though a link with info is up)
- Lack of Info on Student Gameday Entrance Procedures
- Game Times
- The waiting list

I agree with many of these - such as scoreboard location, railing heights, tailgating spots, donation amounts, game times and the waiting list - these just people complaining because they disagree with what's being done, and I can see it getting old. Complaining isn't changing it.

Commenting on the student section ticket policy is a different animal than the rest, however, because it's people complaining about a lack of information, not just disagreeing with how something's being handled. The fact that they go on sale in 9 days and no one in the ticket office seems to have a clue about how the actual game day will be handled is a sort of crazy to me I guess.

I agree Parkinglot, all of the extra stuff is just knit-picking little things. But I am simply trying to figure out if I can get into the stadium that I am so excited about. Im guessing old chap, that you already have your tickets. If I were you I wouldnt be very worried about any of the other small things either.

You forgot my least favorite discussion topic that came up a few months ago: alcohol policy

This board will be must read an hour or two following the first game to see how Minnesotans can create new ways to whine and complain about the littlest of details.

Is anyone else tired of all the people worrying/complaining about every little thing related to TCF? Between the different boards I've read, here is a quick list.

- Donation Amounts
- Tailgating Spots
- Railing Heights
- Scoreboard Location (one of my personal favs!)
- Lack of Student Ticket email (even though a link with info is up)
- Lack of Info on Student Gameday Entrance Procedures
- Game Times
- The waiting list
- On and on

I realize a lot of this is from passionate fans who want the best experience possible, but all in all, the U has done an excellent job of getting information out in a timely manner for season-ticket holders. The experience of TCF is going to be amazing compared to the Dome. I wish people could just relax a little. Football is coming to back to campus, enjoy it! :clap:

It's "Minnesota Nice". You don't try to change things, you just whine. (BTW, I was born and raised in Minnesota :)).

I agree Parkinglot, all of the extra stuff is just knit-picking little things. But I am simply trying to figure out if I can get into the stadium that I am so excited about. Im guessing old chap, that you already have your tickets. If I were you I wouldnt be very worried about any of the other small things either.

I picked seats yesterday, so I had to drive by the stadium today. I could kind of see where I will be sitting. Very exciting. Also drove by our tail gate lot. It is all coming together. The seats are all in on the upper visitor side and about half in on the home upper level. All the bench seats are in.
They have not started putting the seats in the lower level yet.

Quote: "You forgot my least favorite discussion topic that came up a few months ago: alcohol policy:

As long as you brought it up, I am still pissed that I am not going to be able to enjoy a Summit Pale Ale while watching my favorite college football team. And for all you guys who like to drink Miller Lite, I couldn't care less that I have to pay $6.50 to buy a beer at a Gopher football game. If the proposed bill at the state legislature to allow beer for everybody attending games at Gopher Stadium doesn't pass this year, I am investigating whether or not a lawsuit to overturn the alchohol ban is feasible. Maybe I can use an equal protection argument just like Norm Coleman is doing. After all, Gopher Stadium is being constructed with public funds.

Quote: "You forgot my least favorite discussion topic that came up a few months ago: alcohol policy:

As long as you brought it up, I am still pissed that I am not going to be able to enjoy a Summit Pale Ale while watching my favorite college football team. And for all you guys who like to drink Miller Lite, I couldn't care less that I have to pay $6.50 to buy a beer at a Gopher football game. If the proposed bill at the state legislature to allow beer for everybody attending games at Gopher Stadium doesn't pass this year, I am investigating whether or not a lawsuit to overturn the alchohol ban is feasible. Maybe I can use an equal protection argument just like Norm Coleman is doing. After all, Gopher Stadium is being constructed with public funds.

I really really hope that my sarcasm detector isn't working and this post was actually tongue and cheek...cause of not...get over yourself please for the good of humanity.

Quote: "You forgot my least favorite discussion topic that came up a few months ago: alcohol policy:

As long as you brought it up, I am still pissed that I am not going to be able to enjoy a Summit Pale Ale while watching my favorite college football team. And for all you guys who like to drink Miller Lite, I couldn't care less that I have to pay $6.50 to buy a beer at a Gopher football game. If the proposed bill at the state legislature to allow beer for everybody attending games at Gopher Stadium doesn't pass this year, I am investigating whether or not a lawsuit to overturn the alchohol ban is feasible. Maybe I can use an equal protection argument just like Norm Coleman is doing. After all, Gopher Stadium is being constructed with public funds.

I guess we should pack it up and go back to the dome. Can't watch a game without some booze.

Sorry Old Chap

I'm glad my question was you personal favorite. Glad to make your day. I've been a season ticket holder for 14 years, been to away games and bowl games, including last year. I'm very excited for the new stadium. And I still beieve the scoreboard is stupidly positioned, so how do you like that. I'm tired of people posting about people who post their opinions. Don't read these posts if they irriate you so much. :clap:

I'm glad my question was you personal favorite. Glad to make your day. I've been a season ticket holder for 14 years, been to away games and bowl games, including last year. I'm very excited for the new stadium. And I still beieve the scoreboard is stupidly positioned, so how do you like that. I'm tired of people posting about people who post their opinions. Don't read these posts if they irriate you so much. :clap:

You never answered where it should be positioned so more people could see it. There are hardly any seats in the house where you can't. It is on the open side of the field!

I'm glad my question was you personal favorite. Glad to make your day. I've been a season ticket holder for 14 years, been to away games and bowl games, including last year. I'm very excited for the new stadium. And I still beieve the scoreboard is stupidly positioned, so how do you like that. I'm tired of people posting about people who post their opinions. Don't read these posts if they irriate you so much. :clap:

I don't care if you think its stupidly positioned. That's your opinion and you're welcome to it. But could you please (pretty please?) suggest your alternate solution? Where would you put that massive scoreboard so everyone could see it? Cause if you don't you might as well be complaining that the sun rises in the East and gets into some people's eyes when they have to commute.

Rickman -

I mentioned that I thought this was mostly passionate fans that want the perfect experience and thus are asking questions about small things hoping for it.

We are going to have the 2nd biggest scoreboard in college football and one on the opposite end of the stadium that is 2-3 times the size of the one in the dome. There is nowhere it could go that someone wouldn't be able to see the big one. The way it is, 90% of the seats can see the main scoreboard. What else can the U do?

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