Excellent Report from MV on the Spring Game

It's a really good write up. I couldn't make the spring game, but I definitely trust MV's opinion. It is pretty much identical to what a buddy of mine told me about the game.

It brought us to a big question though, do the WRs look worse because the DBs are good, or is the opposite (DBs shined because WRs need work). I am sure there is an element of that, but it'll be exciting to see what happens this year.

On a side note, I keep hearing really good things about Michael Carter, and that he is a for sure starter (and possibly one of our better players on defense). So kudos to him for working through his issues.

It actually made me think quite a bit about Brew's last year. For awhile, Stoudermire had quit the team and Michael Carter and Hageman were suspended (many people questioned whether or not they would ever return). Those three could be of our best defensive players and leaders. It's a good thing that those guys had a collective wake up call.

I also enjoyed MV's recap. I'm excited to see if the DBs become the strength of this defense this year. If they do, then it may keep us in some games, where last year we were facing a deficit early on thanks to blown coverages. Also interested to see how much non-MG running we will do. I think we all expect this team to run the ball 40-50 times a game (and probably more if we are winning in 2nd half), but what % of that will be RB instead of QB?

Ah, Fall can't come soon enough.

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