Ex Gopher Jim Carter said Hoosier star Tom Van Arsdale said U is a "laughing stock"


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Nov 11, 2008
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Ex Gopher Jim Carter said Hoosier star Tom Van Arsdale said U is a "laughing stock"

per Shama - for those keeping score at home, Carter is NOT wearing a scarf in the picture in the link below:

There is no shortage of highly qualified and motivated candidates that can form a blue-ribbon group. Former U athletic directors and athletes, present coaches and athletes, business leaders and other professionals offer a rich and diverse resource to Kaler if he will seek their counsel. “There is a huge talent pool,” Jim Carter said.

Carter said his friend Tom Van Arsdale, a former Indiana basketball star, told him the national perspective of the Gophers is that they are a “laughing stock.”

“How did we get to that, from where we used to be?” Carter wonders.

It’s an understatement to say Carter has been recommended for the search committee. “I know for sure I have over 125 nominations that have been sent to the president’s office,” Carter told Sports Headliners. “So if it’s by volume, I would guess they would have to put me on the committee, but you know…I’ve been outspoken a lot over the years.

“I’ve tried to be a truth teller—at least truth the way I see it, and it’s not been popular. I’ve been critical of Dr. Kaler and some of the people over there—so I certainly wouldn’t be their first choice, I am sure.”


Go Gophers!!

Uh oh, don't let AchyBreaky, mplsgo4 (who BTW put his tail between his legs and disappeared from the renew thread), and others like them see this article! Apparently Mr. Carter has not consulted with these experts or he would know all is well at his alma mater.

Kaler is certainly not above reproach with the AD situation. He totally owns the current status of the AD with the Teague hire and a lack of initiative to make a timely hire. Carter has just cause to voice any criticism he can muster as Kaler is fair game. And he is correct that the AD is a mess.

Carter is a passionate Gopher and has been always willing to tell his story and voice his strong opinion. I like that. I would hope that Kaler values the bleed Maroon and Gold types from the past. But my impression is that Kaler would rather look the other way.

My guess is Kaler will take the "high road" and dismiss the Carter types who don't seem to fit into his "style". Thus Kaler will chose a politically correct committee, likely with a couple of token past Gophers, who will willingly join the gang and collectively cover his ass.

I may be totally wrong and be surprised if Carter is chosen.

Carter is a complete loon who loves to hear himself talk. Whether or not he has valid points, that much is for sure.

If Carter isn't on the search committee, it'll be because he's a grenade-thrower. Some people love the U of M like a stalker loves his victim, and Carter sometimes comes off that way.

For goodness sake, if he is going to wear a neck scarf he should at least get the color right - MAROON & GOLD!

The article is awful one sided. Blaming Kaler for hiring Teague because Teague didn't get along with Kill and Teague hired Pitino was my favorite.

So Kaler was supposed to know that Teague and Kill wouldn't get along? Who's to say Teague was in the wrong? Maybe Kill was asking for stuff he couldn't get (like him asking to be the liaison between the AD and the President). And let me count the more qualified coaches who were interested in the MN job. Hmm... none?

Obviously what Teague did toward the various women was unacceptable. But that doesn't mean the guy was automatically wrong and incompetent at everything he did. I honestly think that the vast majority of fans would still be strongly supporting him had he not texted those women.

And again, maybe his personality disorder (or whatever) should have come out in an interview, but there were no signs this type of thing had happened before (and they may not have).

I'm not trying to say Kaler is above criticism. He's not. But some of the things he's being blamed for are preposterous.

As far as Carter, when you say the first qualification for AD needs to be winning an M letter, I think you disqualified yourself instantly from being on a committee. If that is your requirement, whether or not there may be a very qualified person (realistically, can you name five people who have AD or 2nd in charge experience AND an M letter???), you are inherently ignoring some very qualified candidates, candidates that might come in and actually bring new ideas that have been successful elsewhere to the table.

I'm still strongly in the school of trying to lure a successful MAC/AAC/Conf USA AD or an assistant AD from a helmet school rather than a U grad with little to no AD experience (looking your way Pete Najarian).

The article is awful one sided. Blaming Kaler for hiring Teague because Teague didn't get along with Kill and Teague hired Pitino was my favorite.

So Kaler was supposed to know that Teague and Kill wouldn't get along? Who's to say Teague was in the wrong? Maybe Kill was asking for stuff he couldn't get (like him asking to be the liaison between the AD and the President). And let me count the more qualified coaches who were interested in the MN job. Hmm... none?

Obviously what Teague did toward the various women was unacceptable. But that doesn't mean the guy was automatically wrong and incompetent at everything he did. I honestly think that the vast majority of fans would still be strongly supporting him had he not texted those women.

And again, maybe his personality disorder (or whatever) should have come out in an interview, but there were no signs this type of thing had happened before (and they may not have).

I'm not trying to say Kaler is above criticism. He's not. But some of the things he's being blamed for are preposterous.

As far as Carter, when you say the first qualification for AD needs to be winning an M letter, I think you disqualified yourself instantly from being on a committee. If that is your requirement, whether or not there may be a very qualified person (realistically, can you name five people who have AD or 2nd in charge experience AND an M letter???), you are inherently ignoring some very qualified candidates, candidates that might come in and actually bring new ideas that have been successful elsewhere to the table.

I'm still strongly in the school of trying to lure a successful MAC/AAC/Conf USA AD or an assistant AD from a helmet school rather than a U grad with little to no AD experience (looking your way Pete Najarian).
This pretty much sums up how I feel, nicely said.

Have Adam Kelly and Jim Carter ever been seen in the same place at the same time?

We may be a laughing stock in hoops, but how many bowls in a row has Indiana gone to? Seems to me they were months away from firing Crean, his team performs up to its talent level for one year so they are now experts on college athletics? Who hired Kelvin Sampson?
I have no issue with people complaining about MN athletic dept issues. Teague was an ass and I did not care for him the few times I met him personally, but an Indiana alum calling us a laughing stock is not hurting my feelings, they are at least as delusional as we are.
Give Kaler credit, he was willing to deal with JK directly to keep him happy because that is what it took. However, he should have been kicking Teague in the ass for the situation coming to that. JK was the most important person in the dept. financially. The AD either has to figure out a way to keep him happy or get rid of him. Being in a long term bad relationship with the FB coach is a disaster for everyone.
No one relates to the AD as being important, they relate to the coaches and players. Teague did not know where his power had to come from. It has to come from winning programs that improve due to his leadership in helping the coaches do a better job, or making them do a better job if that is what it takes. An AD in a bad program loses power over time as Maturi did and should have, and as Teague was doing before he left.
Kaler has provided more support for the dept than anyone has in decades. He wanted an AD to provide leadership, and discipline and got exactly the opposite.

others simply state they would like to respectfully withdraw the application.

We may be a laughing stock in hoops

You should read this forum more carefully. I've been told I am blind that I can't see the obvious that the MBB team is primed for success under Richie.

Yes but what does Dick Van Arsdale think?

(for younger readers - Dick and Tom Van Arsdale were twin brothers who starred for Indiana in college, and both went on to long NBA careers. They were among the best free-throw shooters in NBA history. The Van Arsdales played college ball with Erv Inniger, who went on to become a succesful coach at Golden Valley Lutheran, Augsburg, and NDSU.)

Yes but what does Dick Van Arsdale think?

(for younger readers - Dick and Tom Van Arsdale were twin brothers who starred for Indiana in college, and both went on to long NBA careers. They were among the best free-throw shooters in NBA history. The Van Arsdales played college ball with Erv Inniger, who went on to become a succesful coach at Golden Valley Lutheran, Augsburg, and NDSU.)

Wow, that's a throwback. I wonder if anyone under the age of 50 even knows that GV Lutheran existed?

Wow, that's a throwback. I wonder if anyone under the age of 50 even knows that GV Lutheran existed?

anyone who followed flip's career is very well aware of golden valley lutheran, be it those older or younger than 50

I'm 42 and didn't. Never heard of it.


This place was something else. It was a college for those who could not get into college. I knew a couple of guys who went there and they were not exactly the sharpest tools in the shed. It was known as a jock school and they did very well in some sports (basketball and cross country/track if memory serves me right). I think the only entrance requirement was whether your tuition check cleared at the bank.


This place was something else. It was a college for those who could not get into college. I knew a couple of guys who went there and they were not exactly the sharpest tools in the shed. It was known as a jock school and they did very well in some sports (basketball and cross country/track if memory serves me right). I think the only entrance requirement was whether your tuition check cleared at the bank.
They had a good football program as well. Several kids went on to D1 football programs and they won their league often. Not much different than any good JUCO these days.

Sounds like a guy letting off some steam. Doesn't appear to be much merit behind his statements.

Yes but what does Dick Van Arsdale think?

(for younger readers - Dick and Tom Van Arsdale were twin brothers who starred for Indiana in college, and both went on to long NBA careers. They were among the best free-throw shooters in NBA history. The Van Arsdales played college ball with Erv Inniger, who went on to become a succesful coach at Golden Valley Lutheran, Augsburg, and NDSU.)

Good one. I went to Augsburg in the early- to mid-70s and knew Inniger a bit. A couple of my roommates were on the basketball team. Erv still competes in senior badminton events. I watched him play when he coached basketball at Augsburg and let's just say he didn't play the backyard variety of the game.

As per Golden Valley Lutheran College, also the place where Flip Saunders' head coaching career began and where the famous Sjoquist twins (high school classmates of mine) started their collegiate careers. Lynette Sjoquist, as many of you know, provides color commentary for the Gophers' women's basketball team and is a member (along with the rest of the barnstorming Fabulous Redheads women's basketball team) of the Naismith National Basketball Hall of Fame.

So - let me get this straight: Some ex-Gopher that I only know because he likes to say crotchety things says someone l have definitely never heard of thinks we are a laughing stock? Oh - and he's also from Indiana...the worst football school in the conference (well - Rutgers might give them a run for their money eventually to be fair). Why is Jim Carter such a 'go-to' for the media...who cares what he thinks?

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