ESPN: The longest days in Big Ten recruiting (Minnesota's Jerry Kill)


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Nov 11, 2008
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per ESPN:

Minnesota's Jerry Kill

"I've gone from Mobile to Mississippi to Texas, and back to Chicago. But the most unique story I can tell you is something that happened for the first time ever this year. I was on a plane that was starting to go down the runway when I had a kid commit. Seriously, we were going down the runway, I didn't think we'd hear from the kid and he calls me. I'm trying to get the pilot to keep the wheels down so I can talk to him."

Go Gophers!!

That was Dior Johnson. He talked about it in the press conference.

Which is funny he didn't think he would commit since we were the only other school he seriously appeared to be considering besides Wake Forrest and he de-committed from there the night before.

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