ESPN: Sources: NCAA investigating Manziel


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Nov 11, 2008
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The NCAA is investigating whether Heisman Trophy winner Johnny Manziel was paid for signing hundreds of autographs on photos and sports memorabilia in January, "Outside the Lines" has learned. Two sources tell "Outside the Lines" that the Texas A&M quarterback agreed to sign memorabilia in exchange for a five-figure flat fee during his trip to Miami for the Discover BCS National Championship. Both sources said they witnessed the signing, though neither saw the actual exchange of money.

Three sources said Manziel signed photographs, footballs, mini football helmets and other items at the request of an autograph broker named Drew Tieman. Two sources, who are aware of the signing arrangement, told "Outside the Lines" that Tieman approached Manziel on Jan. 6, when he landed at Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport to attend the game between Alabama and Notre Dame the next day.

Go Gophers!!

If this is could possibly be this stupid?

Screw the NCAA. Hope Manziel makes them look like idiots. They deserve it.

i like how its alright for the school to sell his autograph and make a lot of money but the second the kid wants some extra bucks......still stupid for doing it but the ncaa is a joke

I hope we get an accurate update from TexasAggie on this.

College football has turned into Jersey Shore or the Kardashians. Manziel is just as guilty as the paparazzi called sports journalists. You can't know what is real or am fake because it's all just drama.

I can't wait for actual football to start versus this off-season soap opera.

i like how its alright for the school to sell his autograph and make a lot of money but the second the kid wants some extra bucks......still stupid for doing it but the ncaa is a joke

This rule needs to be changed.

College football has turned into Jersey Shore or the Kardashians. Manziel is just as guilty as the paparazzi called sports journalists. You can't know what is real or am fake because it's all just drama.

I can't wait for actual football to start versus this off-season soap opera.

The question I asked of you, Aggie, is please give us an accurate report on this.

We care about aTm because of you. If this report is bull*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#, let us know. If there is substance to this report, let us know. You have been a fun addition to GopherHole, just don't *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!# us over. OK? We are counting on you to give us the actual details.

Dennis Dodd: Johnny Football has spit on all the help Texas A&M offered him

Shortly after Johnny Manziel won the Heisman, Texas A&M AD Eric Hyman convened a Johnny Football summit in his office. Everyone who mattered was there -- Manziel's parents, compliance, coaches, marketing, SIDs, even the celebu-quarterback himself.

The tone from the head of the athletic department: Everything has changed. Here's how we're going to handle it.

The 62-year-old Hyman knows a little bit about handling hype. The man who hired game-changer Gary Patterson at TCU, inherited Steve Spurrier at South Carolina and was run over by two-time Heisman winner Archie Griffin as a North Carolina defender, was going to set the ground rules. Hyman went so far as to consult with Florida external relations guy Mike Hill, who helped oversee the Tim Tebow phenomena.

Hyman at least attempted to get out in front of the Johnny Football parade before it ran over him and his department.

"The meeting that Eric Hyman had wasn't a get-after-you, tell-you-what-to-do meeting [for Manziel]," Aggies coach Kevin Sumlin told me earlier this year. "[It was] 'We're here for you. You don't have to handle this on your own.' "

"What I told his dad and mom at the Heisman [ceremony] is, 'He's no longer a freshman, he's no longer a sophomore, he's no longer a junior, no longer a senior,'" Hyman said. "'He's a Heisman.' From where he is today to where he was a few months ago, he's learned how to handle situations."

Yes, Hyman was on top of it -- until he wasn't. Just don't blame the AD or his staff or the school. They were not the enablers. They are one of many victims.

Go Gophers!!

The question I asked of you, Aggie, is please give us an accurate report on this.

We care about aTm because of you. If this report is bull*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#, let us know. If there is substance to this report, let us know. You have been a fun addition to GopherHole, just don't *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!# us over. OK? We are counting on you to give us the actual details.

If I knew for sure, I would be a rich man.

However, the fact that:
1. an anonymous source
2. did not see money change hands
3. for a deal that amounts to chump change for Richie Rich
4. and this all happened eight months ago
leads me to believe that there is more smoke than fire.

In an effort to be the one who breaks the news, media will print unsubstantiated rumors and they can get away with it because it's what their "sources" said.

I could call ESPN as a source and tell them that I have knowledge that Jerry Kill wears Wisconsin-themed women's panties and they could run the story if they thought anyone would care. Headline: Sources Say Gophers Coach Wears Same Underwear as Most Wisconsin Men. And, I bet they would never apologize to Kill when it was proven to be untrue. They'd just hop on to the next rumor.

In academics, I have to cite sources and submit proof. In media, you can throw a bunch out there and see what sticks. It's not about truth, it's about what people believe. Therein lies Manziel's problem. It may be untrue about the autographs, but people are prone to believe it because his party boy actions and reality-show personality makes it totally believable that he would do such a thing.

EDIT TO ADD: If the rumors do turn out to be true, believe me, I will be the first to hook his Mercedes up to a tow truck and drag his ass out of town. Partying, we can tolerate. That level of breaking the rules (no matter how ridiculous some NCAA regs are) is not acceptable to the vast majority of us. However, I'm also reminded that ESPN ran all those stories about Manti Teo's girlfriend without really fact-checking. I'm taking the whole situation with a grain of salt until something more convincing is released.

Mr. Manziel is not very bright. Amazing how he continues to put himself in situations like this. A 20 year old college kid with a personal assistant? Really?

He's Eric Crouch 2.0 so he better enjoy the limelight now because he's done once his college career is over.

Here's the part I really like. His "personal assistant" is also his best friend. the kid dropped out of school in order to serve Johnny Football as a full-time flunkie/hanger-on/1-man entourage. (and, I assume, is being paid or compensated in some fashion by Daddy Football. If you haven't read the Sports Illustrated piece on the family, look it up. If there was ever a family destined for a reality TV series, its the Manziel clan.

FoxSports: Did Manziel break one rule too many?

I'm not sure, really, why a guy whose brand is worth big money can't cash in. The rules are built around an antiquated ideal of amateurism.

What we do know for sure, though, is that this is within Manziel’s character.

He can't stop himself.

That is his character. It’s the definition of it. He's like a guy who just won the lottery and will blow it all right now because now is when he has it. And now is when he spends things. And that will be worth it to him.

Manziel drinks too much, parties too much, grabs too much and, according to a longer previous story on, resents anyone who tries to stop him (NCAA), and anyone who gains off of him (Texas A&M and Coach Kevin Sumlin).

Go Gophers!!

Here's the part I really like. His "personal assistant" is also his best friend. the kid dropped out of school in order to serve Johnny Football as a full-time flunkie/hanger-on/1-man entourage. (and, I assume, is being paid or compensated in some fashion by Daddy Football. If you haven't read the Sports Illustrated piece on the family, look it up. If there was ever a family destined for a reality TV series, its the Manziel clan.

I have never watched "Keeping Up...Kardashians", but I might watch "Keeping Up...Manziels"!!!

Here's the part I really like. His "personal assistant" is also his best friend. the kid dropped out of school in order to serve Johnny Football as a full-time flunkie/hanger-on/1-man entourage. (and, I assume, is being paid or compensated in some fashion by Daddy Football. If you haven't read the Sports Illustrated piece on the family, look it up. If there was ever a family destined for a reality TV series, its the Manziel clan.

Gary Payton used to pay a buddy of his $100,000/year just to wake him up every morning. No other responsibilities.

I hope he did sell his autograph and I hope he sues the NCAA in Federal Court and finally forces the one sided non-guaranteed "we own your ass" scholarship contract to be thrown out and invalidated opening the door for real negotiations on the split in college money, or more likely, the end to forced college competition prior to entering professional leagues.

ESPN: Broker says Manziel was paid $7,500

An East Coast autograph broker told ESPN on Tuesday that Johnny Manziel was paid $7,500 for signing approximately 300 mini- and full-sized helmets on Jan. 11-12 while he was attending the Walter Camp Football Foundation event.

The broker played two cell phone videos for ESPN showing Manziel signing white Texas A&M helmets and footballs laid out on a bed in a hotel room. The video does not show Manziel accepting any money.

Go Gophers!!

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>Johnny Manziel is connected to significant signings w at least 3 different brokers in 3 cities (Ft. Lauderdale, Birmingham, New Haven)</p>— Joe Schad (@schadjoe) <a href="">August 6, 2013</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>

Go Gophers!!

He's done as a college athlete

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>Johnny Manziel is connected to significant signings w at least 3 different brokers in 3 cities (Ft. Lauderdale, Birmingham, New Haven)</p>— Joe Schad (@schadjoe) <a href="">August 6, 2013</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>

Go Gophers!!

Nobody of any celebrity status sits down for strangers and signs hundreds of autographs for free.

You have transportation expenses to be accounted for. You have hotel accomodations.

The story could be he signed for a charity donation but we have not heard that spin.
And I don't know if the NCAA even allows that. There still would be the expenses.
He's done. Nobody is saying the autographs are not legitimate. He signed hundreds of
pieces. That is in evidence.

I hope he did sell his autograph and I hope he sues the NCAA in Federal Court and finally forces the one sided non-guaranteed "we own your ass" scholarship contract to be thrown out and invalidated opening the door for real negotiations on the split in college money, or more likely, the end to forced college competition prior to entering professional leagues.


I hope he did sell his autograph and I hope he sues the NCAA in Federal Court and finally forces the one sided non-guaranteed "we own your ass" scholarship contract to be thrown out and invalidated opening the door for real negotiations on the split in college money, or more likely, the end to forced college competition prior to entering professional leagues.

The professional leagues are the ones that enforce the age requirements. Compensation to the college athlete may be very likely but I highly doubt the NFL removes their policy. Too much money at stake for the NFL to be betting on 18 year olds. The bust rate for high profile prospects is already high in college. I bet that would double if you throw millions of dollars at them.

Nobody of any celebrity status sits down for strangers and signs hundreds of autographs for free.

You have transportation expenses to be accounted for. You have hotel accomodations.

The story could be he signed for a charity donation but we have not heard that spin.
And I don't know if the NCAA even allows that. There still would be the expenses.
He's done. Nobody is saying the autographs are not legitimate. He signed hundreds of
pieces. That is in evidence.

Remember we're talking about the NCAA here. Manziel could come out and admit he did it, and I still would worry he wouldn't get punished.

I hope he did sell his autograph and I hope he sues the NCAA in Federal Court and finally forces the one sided non-guaranteed "we own your ass" scholarship contract to be thrown out and invalidated opening the door for real negotiations on the split in college money, or more likely, the end to forced college competition prior to entering professional leagues.

Minor league football would be dead on arrival outside the footprint of the SEC. I really hope it never happens.

There is no forced college competition prior to entering the NFL. The chance for even high school stars to make the NFL is tiny. Those of you that think you are helping athletes by poo pooing the college model should think twice.

There is no forced college competition prior to entering the NFL. The chance for even high school stars to make the NFL is tiny. Those of you that think you are helping athletes by poo pooing the college model should think twice.

There are many ways to force is with rules and laws, another is to create a situation where there is no other option but to comply and the NCAA and NFL have created this type of situation. And who benefits from this...the NFL by having a reliable stream of talent forced to enter the league through a draft after they age of 21 or 3 years out of high school and the NCAA who have the only place in the US to play football while awaiting the draft. The NCAA and it's members make billions off this system and the NFL saves millions each year by not having the develop these young talents like the NBA, NHL and MLB do.

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