ESPN: Ranking the Big Ten coaching jobs (9. Minnesota)


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2008
Reaction score
per ESPN:

9. Minnesota
Minnesota has made an effort in the past few years to upgrade facilities and invest more in resources like nutrition and player support. The results are starting to show. While the local talent might be lacking, Minneapolis is one of the more attractive cities in the Big Ten.

Go Gophers!!

I don't think there is a ton of separation in the jobs once you get beyond the top 4-5 (OSU, MI, PSU, NEB, MSU). The rest could all be seen as pretty interchangeable in my opinion.

I don't think there is a ton of separation in the jobs once you get beyond the top 4-5 (OSU, MI, PSU, NEB, MSU). The rest could all be seen as pretty interchangeable in my opinion.

Totally agree.

Pretty much agree with assessment, but Minneapolis is THE attractive city in the Big Ten.

I don't think there is a ton of separation in the jobs once you get beyond the top 4-5 (OSU, MI, PSU, NEB, MSU). The rest could all be seen as pretty interchangeable in my opinion.

Agreed. I think anything with that you would see shift based on whatever team has had the most success over the past several seasons.

I don't think there is a ton of separation in the jobs once you get beyond the top 4-5 (OSU, MI, PSU, NEB, MSU). The rest could all be seen as pretty interchangeable in my opinion.
Agree aside, but would put Wisconsin being separated from both the top 5 and the remainder of the conference.

I don't think there is a ton of separation in the jobs once you get beyond the top 4-5 (OSU, MI, PSU, NEB, MSU). The rest could all be seen as pretty interchangeable in my opinion.

I would put OSU #1 with a bullet, with the other 3 eastern division powers 2-4.

Nebraska is 5.

As long as Barry is there with a bad assistant coach budget, Wisconsin gets lumped in with the rest.

Agree aside, but would put Wisconsin being separated from both the top 5 and the remainder of the conference.

For right now you are right. But I think Wisconsin is a few years similar to what Michigan is going through from being lumped in the bottom half. That is what makes jobs like Michigan so special, they can weather storms and still be a special job attractive to almost any coach. Wisconsin's job is only attractive due to its recent successes.

agree with 1-4.
currently 5 and 6 belongs to MSU and Wisky. both schools has had a good run as of late, but doesnt have the prestige as any of the top 4 schools
Gophers belongs right now in the 7-10 bracket and any of those teams are really interchangeable. Maryland could easily be bottom 4 without the help of Under Armour.

agree with 1-4.
currently 5 and 6 belongs to MSU and Wisky. both schools has had a good run as of late, but doesnt have the prestige as any of the top 4 schools
Gophers belongs right now in the 7-10 bracket and any of those teams are really interchangeable. Maryland could easily be bottom 4 without the help of Under Armour.

Maryland has a ton of instate talent and unlike Illinois or Indiana, aren't they the only FBS school in that state? They are getting a $150 million facilities upgrade so they have a lot of potential to recruit extremely well.

What I don't understand is what is it that makes a job, the best job, the person who presently holds the job, or the potential for someone else to succeed at the job, and what the situation is or will be soon if someone new got the job?

For example, if all 14 Head Coaches had to be replaced, and you were a cfb coach, and could pick whatever job you wanted, are you sure you'd pick OSU over Maryland, or MSU over Iowa, or Wisconsin over Minnesota?

And what makes a job a good job? The pay alone? The ability to win the most games? Stability? Quality of life? Location?

Michigan, for example, has lots of resources, but has struggled lately, so it would be hard to do much worse, I could see alot of coaches seeing that as a great job. Ohio St on the otherhand, having just won the Natl Title, has no where to go but down. So the only person who I'd think would consider the Ohio St job to be the best job, is Urban Meyer himself or I suppose Glen Mason would love the chance to prove himself better than people think he is. He'd have nothing to lose by giving it a shot, lol.

And if Jerry Kill had his choice of any B1G job, which one do you think he'd take? Do you think he'd consider Minnesota to be his 9th choice?! I'm not trying to suggest that he'd have Minnesota #1, but who knows? I seriously doubt he'd have Minnesota down as far as #9.

The middle is interchangeable, but there are also teams at the bottom.

I'd say


Michigan State (not quite with the top 5 yet, but clearly better than the rest)



What I don't understand is what is it that makes a job, the best job, the person who presently holds the job, or the potential for someone else to succeed at the job, and what the situation is or will be soon if someone new got the job?

For example, if all 14 Head Coaches had to be replaced, and you were a cfb coach, and could pick whatever job you wanted, are you sure you'd pick OSU over Maryland, or MSU over Iowa, or Wisconsin over Minnesota?

And what makes a job a good job? The pay alone? The ability to win the most games? Stability? Quality of life? Location?

Michigan, for example, has lots of resources, but has struggled lately, so it would be hard to do much worse, I could see alot of coaches seeing that as a great job. Ohio St on the otherhand, having just won the Natl Title, has no where to go but down. So the only person who I'd think would consider the Ohio St job to be the best job, is Urban Meyer himself or I suppose Glen Mason would love the chance to prove himself better than people think he is. He'd have nothing to lose by giIving it a shot, lol.

And if Jerry Kill had his choice of any B1G job, which one do you think he'd take? Do you think he'd consider Minnesota to be his 9th choice?! I'm not trying to suggest that he'd have Minnesota #1, but who knows? I seriously doubt he'd have Minnesota down as far as #9.
I would bet Kill would go to Ohio State in a split second if he was given his choice of all the B1G jobs. Coaches at this level are highly competitive and want to be the best, they want to win. Now how Kill's health would factor in to that decision is a bit of a wild card so that is something to take into account, but I still believe that if you polled all the CFB coaches at FBS schools they would choose in pretty much the consensus order that has been established in this thread.

For right now you are right. But I think Wisconsin is a few years similar to what Michigan is going through from being lumped in the bottom half. That is what makes jobs like Michigan so special, they can weather storms and still be a special job attractive to almost any coach. Wisconsin's job is only attractive due to its recent successes.
Wisconsin's recent success isn't just a 3-5 year fluke, they've been good for some time now. In the last 20 years they've only had 2 seasons below .500 and 5 seasons below .500 in conference. As much as we hate it, that is sustained success.

Wisconsin's recent success isn't just a 3-5 year fluke, they've been good for some time now. In the last 20 years they've only had 2 seasons below .500 and 5 seasons below .500 in conference. As much as we hate it, that is sustained success.

I'm not saying they haven't had sustained success, or that I think they are going away any time soon (I'm usually the one on this board saying "I'll believe it when I see it" with regards to our annual predictions of Wisconsin's collapse in both football and basketball). I'm saying that if and when they do collapse, they don't have the Michigan style facilities and historic reputation that would let them weather the storm like Michigan, OSU, or PSU. If Wisconsin comes out with a season where they miss a bowl game and fire a coach, they don't get to replace him with a Jim Harbaugh, and they don't get the same kind of recruits he is going to get.

I'm not saying they haven't had sustained success, or that I think they are going away any time soon (I'm usually the one on this board saying "I'll believe it when I see it" with regards to our annual predictions of Wisconsin's collapse in both football and basketball). I'm saying that if and when they do collapse, they don't have the Michigan style facilities and historic reputation that would let them weather the storm like Michigan, OSU, or PSU. If Wisconsin comes out with a season where they miss a bowl game and fire a coach, they don't get to replace him with a Jim Harbaugh, and they don't get the same kind of recruits he is going to get.

This is where your mistaken. They do have top notch facilities.People on this board dont like there stadium and that comes down to personal preference. The Atmosphere at a Wis game is 10 times the atmosphere of the Big House at Michigan. The rest of WIS facilities are brand new, weight room/players lounge etc etc. As far as Michigan attracting Jim Harbaugh it was because he was an Alum, he wasnt there first choice Les Miles and others declined. Michigan attracts better recruits? according to who? RIVALS, certainly not according to the NFL.

This list could be renamed the job with the most public pressure

OSU's Personal Level

The next tier -in no particular order

The "Recent Success" Level

Everyone else (MSU and Wisconsin can fall to this level, and anybody else can rise due to recent success)

OSU's Personal Level

The next tier -in no particular order

The "Recent Success" Level

Everyone else (MSU and Wisconsin can fall to this level, and anybody else can rise due to recent success)

i'm curious as to why msu gets upvoted into a lot of top 5's. it's the clear number 2 school in a state without significant football talent. are the facilities there awesome? seems like they're reaping a lot of recent success hype.

This is where your mistaken. They do have top notch facilities.People on this board dont like there stadium and that comes down to personal preference. The Atmosphere at a Wis game is 10 times the atmosphere of the Big House at Michigan. The rest of WIS facilities are brand new, weight room/players lounge etc etc. As far as Michigan attracting Jim Harbaugh it was because he was an Alum, he wasnt there first choice Les Miles and others declined. Michigan attracts better recruits? according to who? RIVALS, certainly not according to the NFL.

If you are a top notch program you don't have a coach leave after one year. Actually their facilities are not that great. The Kohl Center is not very nice and not loud at all.

i'm curious as to why msu gets upvoted into a lot of top 5's. it's the clear number 2 school in a state without significant football talent. are the facilities there awesome? seems like they're reaping a lot of recent success hype.

I can't speak for everyone, but I have them in the top 5/6 for the same reason I have Wisconsin. They have been extremely successful over the last handful of years making it an attractive job if it were to open up. I agree with you, though, that they aren't guaranteed to always be at this level. Just like Wisconsin, if they stop consistently winning they will fall into the muck with the rest of us (I realize this could be said for just about anyone, but I think uw and MSU are especially vulnerable).

If you are a top notch program you don't have a coach leave after one year. Actually their facilities are not that great. The Kohl Center is not very nice and not loud at all.
What does the Kohl center have to do with Football recruits?

They have been extremely successful over the last handful of years making it an attractive job if it were to open up.

You'd think so....but no one was really beating down the doors in Logan Utah and Pittsburgh to steal their coaches away before Wisconsin came calling.

Yes, it seemed certain Anderson would get his BCS shot eventually.

The top coaching jobs in college football (According to ESPN)

1. Texas
2. Alabama
3. USC
4. Ohio State
5. Florida
6. LSU
7. Florida State
8. Georgia
9. Oklahoma
10. Notre Dame
11. Texas A&M
11. Oregon
13. Auburn
14. Michigan
15. Tennessee
16. Clemson
17. UCLA
17. Penn State
19. South Carolina
20 Michigan State
21. Nebraska
22. Arkansas
23. Miami
24. Wisconsin

If I was anymore than a middle school football coach my choice would be the U of M

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