ESPN Poll: Most disliked Big Ten coach

Urban hasn't done anything yet to garner such dislike. Must be mostly from being associated with OSU.

Urban is a pretty unlikable fella. What he did to Florida was pretty bad.

I'm confused. Are only Gopher fans allowed to vote in this poll? I've heard time and time again that the only reason everyone on here thinks that Lenny is a giant turd is that he keeps beating the Gophers.

Is this a trick question? Every fan base thinks BB is an a-hole.

Jerry would probably be the most liked. Until he starts kicking ass in year three.

I wish our coach was the most disliked in the conference, that would mean we were competing for conference titles. People don't dislike the coaches of teams they regularly defeat.

I wish our coach was the most disliked in the conference, that would mean we were competing for conference titles. People don't dislike the coaches of teams they regularly defeat.
That's B.S. A jerk is a jerk. The Giants have had the Patriots number, but I'm guessing if you talk to 100 Giants fans, you'll get 90 that don't like Belicheat.

That's B.S. A jerk is a jerk. The Giants have had the Patriots number, but I'm guessing if you talk to 100 Giants fans, you'll get 90 that don't like Belicheat.

They got unbelievably lucky in Super Bowl 42. Belichick doesn't make your point, he makes mine. Belichick has been extremely successful and he's unpopular with a group of fans. Coaches of bad teams don't make the most hated list, successful coaches do.

That doesn't mean that all successful coaches are hated though and I think that's the point he's trying to make.

I wish our coach was the most disliked in the conference, that would mean we were competing for conference titles. People don't dislike the coaches of teams they regularly defeat.

Brew would have fit the bill to the 'T' if he wasn't such a poor HC. I couldn't care any less than I do now about what others think of our coach as long as he's a winner.

They should have opened it up to all BT head coaches to show where the most "love" is for a coach. Or at least the least amount of hate.

I wish our coach was the most disliked in the conference, that would mean we were competing for conference titles. People don't dislike the coaches of teams they regularly defeat.
I'd say that's a decent rule of thumb, but I don't think it always holds true. We'll see whether it happens to Hoke anywhere outside Ohio State, for instance (though first things first, he needs to sustain and build on his current success). As of right now, I don't know anyone who has any opinion on him whatsoever other than "he's a pretty damn good coach."

I think this poll has a major flaw by not including Bo Pelini. In my book, he runs a close second to Bert (the Deusche Bag). The guy is a hot-head and acts like a real ass at times.

I'd say that's a decent rule of thumb, but I don't think it always holds true. We'll see whether it happens to Hoke anywhere outside Ohio State, for instance (though first things first, he needs to sustain and build on his current success). As of right now, I don't know anyone who has any opinion on him whatsoever other than "he's a pretty damn good coach."

As a Spartan fan even I have to reach to hate the guy at this point. He's heavy on the "We're Meeeeeeechigan fergodssakes" arrogance but other than that he hasn't really done anything to warrant a lot of dislike. As long as he keeps losing to Michigan State we'll be good, lol.

This is just a poll of who are you most jealous of from a team successs standpoint. No wonder every team listed is the top of the conference. One coach has one season under his belt and another coach has yet to step on the field.

I know some here maybe did, but i never hated Jim Tressel, Joe Paterno, Lloyd Carr, or many other successful BIG coaches. There's a way in my mind to win, win big, win annually, and still maintain a certain amount of class and composure in doing it. Rivalries aside, bert bulimia is an assclown. Meyer will be judged on how he acts here in the next few years, I think he'll likely pull a few things, but I also think he's going to crush and embarrass wisky in a way that will endure him to our fanbase. Hoke would be wise to take a page out of Carr's book and be above it all as much as he can, but i understand where comes from when he rachets up the rivalries with OSU and MSU, Michigan needed that after the RR debacle. The poll should have included every coach, likely BB wins hands down due to his lack of class and over the top asshatness. His day will come soon unless he is able to swindle All american transfers into saving his program year after year after year.

I wish our coach was the most disliked in the conference, that would mean we were competing for conference titles. People don't dislike the coaches of teams they regularly defeat.

#9...there is difference between being disliked and being a total dickwad like BB

This is just a poll of who are you most jealous of from a team successs standpoint. No wonder every team listed is the top of the conference. One coach has one season under his belt and another coach has yet to step on the field.

Hoke shouldn't be on the list if you ask me (or they should list all 12 coaches). Urban Meyer has coached previously at a pretty well known program. I think that's where much of dislike comes from.

Hoke shouldn't be on the list if you ask me (or they should list all 12 coaches). Urban Meyer has coached previously at a pretty well known program. I think that's where much of dislike comes from.
I'm sure Gopher fans would drool over Urban Meyer if he was coaching for us. Dislike comes from being jealous of someone's success. I would love if Jerry Kill was leading this poll in 4 years.

I'm sure Gopher fans would drool over Urban Meyer if he was coaching for us. Dislike comes from being jealous of someone's success. I would love if Jerry Kill was leading this poll in 4 years.
Or dislike comes from not liking the way a coach acts, talks or conducts himself. Glen Mason was the most successful Gopher football coach in eons. I don't dislike him because he was successful, I dislike him because he exhibited extreme arrogance with little to nothing to back it up. If Northwestern beat the Gophers every year for the next 5 while the Gophers won the next five meetings versus Wisconsin (extremely hypothetical), do you think people on this board would dislike Fitzgerald more than BB? I sure don't.

I voted for Hoke, one year as a BigTen head coach and he is right up at the top for arrogance.

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