ESPN: Ohio State vacates all 2010 victories

We won! Woo hoo! Seriously though, I know that their vacating the win doesn't give us the win. But logically, if their win against us was wiped out, our loss to them should be wiped out as well. 3-8 instead of 3-9? Pretty absurd.

Not even the standard 1-year self-imposed bowl ban? Such arrogance.

I hope the NCAA comes down hard on OSU for such a limp-wristed self-imposition of penalties. At best they should get what USC received. ... a 2-year bowl ban and loss of lots of scholarships. I will puke if OSU gets to play in a BCS bowl game this season. Do you think any of the BCS bowls would shy away from an 11-1, 11-2 or 10-2 Buckeye squad? I think not. All the BCS bowls will see is lots of scarlet & grey $$$$$ with an affinity for travel.

. ... and the folks wearing green & white in East Lansing just got a little testier.

We won! Woo hoo! Seriously though, I know that their vacating the win doesn't give us the win. But logically, if their win against us was wiped out, our loss to them should be wiped out as well. 3-8 instead of 3-9? Pretty absurd.

Actually, the Gophers record will remain unchanged regardless of OSU vacating wins.

Weird I know but it is the NCAA afterall.

This self imposed penalty is absurd. No loss of post season play or scholarships. Tressel retired instead of resignation. This is the same institution that was originally satisfied with a self imposed ineligibility of two games this year for Tressel. I think what also doesn't pass the smell test for me is that there has never been any mention of looking into misdeeds of other tOSU revenue sports. Is it logical to think that the boosters contributed only to the football program?

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