ESPN: Minnesota's Jerry Kill is a great American

Does anyone else feel like this a post from a fan to make fun of Kill?

Does anyone else feel like this a post from a fan to make fun of Kill?

Yes. But then the author does write for Comedy Central and The Onion. Frankly, he could have gone a lot farther to make fun of our beloved Maroon and Gold (as the d-bag commenters do).

PH is attempting to have a hay-day with that article. I wonder how his Dallas Clark photo is holding up?

Wow, it's pretty clear he still reads GH

Yes. But then the author does write for Comedy Central and The Onion. Frankly, he could have gone a lot farther to make fun of our beloved Maroon and Gold (as the d-bag commenters do).

GBG, you are now famous...PantherHawk has mentioned you on!

Go Gophers!!


GBG, you are now famous...PantherHawk has mentioned you on!

Go Gophers!!

What an honor. And for him to make reference to the attractiveness of my wife, even better. Here I thought my witty reparte and insightful comments would someday gain me fame. Turns out all I had to do was marry that troll wife of mine, Gopher Bandanna Gal.

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