ESPN: Marijuana and Eugene, Ore. are tied together like laces in a football

That has to be an unfair recruiting advantage, doesn't it?

It's the weed capital of the world. Long dreads. Girls with hairy armpits. Where there's hippies, there's weed.

-- Former Oregon Duck Reuben Droughns

That's hard hitting. Not quite college hockey players at a college bar level hard hitting, but still pretty strong.

Didn't ESPN just get nation wide radio rights to USC football games ? Funny they'd be writing an article like this....

brb heading to Eugene. Gotta find out if this story is true or not ... you know, for science.

This is a surprise? This is more or less the case everywhere. Maybe not as wide open and acknowledged as at Oregon, simply because it's such a part of the culture there, but it's common. Going back 20 years when I was in college, it was well known at the school I went to that nearly everyone on the basketball team did it, and a lot of the football team.

I know a guy who failed a test under Wacker and one under Mason and it was just a "wink wink - don't do it again now..."


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