ESPN: Little Brown Jug means little to Michigan

I think that's a fair article. It's amazing how we've gone in 2 completely different directions after they hired Bo

Would be so cool to stun college football world and beat em on Sat.

Bring the Jug Home!

Couple things:
1. I remember seeing an interview on BTN with Lloyd Carr a couple years back and the host kinda mocked the Little Brown Jug and Carr was adamant that the trophy is valuable and means a lot. True some of the newer players might not know the history but those that have been around Michigan a long time appreciate the Jug.

2. I heard one time that the "real" Jug is really locked away in a vault with a $1MM insurance policy by Lloyds of London and the Jug that you see paraded around at the games is really a replica. Anyone know if this is true?

The article's comments by UM fans are nice. While one-sided, the Jug still means a lot to them.

I wonder if Coach Kill reached out to any of the Former Gophers who have won the The Battle For The Little Brown Jug. Marion Barber, Mark Carlson, Kent Kitzman, Stan Sytsman, Mark Merrill, Michael Hunt, Jeff Morrow, Mark Merrill, Mark Slater, Paul Rogind. It was 1977 and no one gave the Gophers a chance against#1 Michigan and Rick Leach. Maybe a word or words uttered to them by Coach Nash might be worth something. Maybe Ricky Foggie, Daryll Thompson, Ray Hitchcock, Jim Hobbins, Larry Joyner, Chip Lomiller members of another group who got a pregame speech from Coach Nash and pulled the huge upset of Jim Harbaugh. Or get Matt Spaeth, or better Tony Mortenson and have him tell you what it was like calling plays with the game on the line in Michigan Stadium. And what was his confidence level when he call the stretch right on 3rd and 8. Having some or all of the member back for a meal before the team takes off would be pure Coach Kill

It does seem like a pretty fair article. If MN had been more of a challenge in recent years, then it might mean more to Mich. Lets see Coach Kill make it a rivalry game once again and the jug mean something.

It does seem like a pretty fair article. If MN had been more of a challenge in recent years, then it might mean more to Mich. Lets see Coach Kill make it a rivalry game once again and the jug mean something.

Being in the same division will help if the Gophers get going in the right direction.

Hard to argue with the article. As much as I can't stand Mike Hart, his comments are dead on. The Jug will become meaningful for Michigan only if the Gophers start beating 'em with some semblance of regularity.

Similar to that German speaking part of France that was contested twice in the 20th century. Germany is 0-2 in attempts but it ain't over.

I work in Medical Device and I was recently at a sales training. I ran into a former Michigan fullback, Brian Thompson, who was a teammate of Hart. He was pretty cool but said they never took Minnesota seriously and hated coming to the Dome. However, he made it seem like the Jug meant quite a lot to Carr, the team, and fans. I am predicting a stunning upset on Saturday. Go Gophers!

Beating Minnesota itself may not mean much more than beating any other Big Ten team, but the jug still matters. The comments on the article seem to bear that out. I'm quite sure that empty spot in their trophy room mattered to them in 2005.

If we rattle off 3 of 5 at some point it would be a big deal to them again.

I think that's a fair article. It's amazing how we've gone in 2 completely different directions after they hired Bo

Lions lost their fan base and have had losing seasons for the most part, the Vikings came on strong and increased theirs. The Gophers became an after thought in this market. Lets face it you can only take so much, after 30 years who cares so much.

To say it means little actually is not accurate IMO. It means a lot to both sides I believe, but they don't feel their ownership is threatened, so why would it solicit a lot of emotion? They've had it so much, they're not gonna react much after each victory, nor concern themselves about the possibility of losing each year we play. But you better believe if they lose it this Saturday, they're gonna care.

Several posts here have it more or less correct. The Jug absolutely means something to Michigan fans (I'm friends with several).

The problem is they simply feel it belongs to them. End of story. The game itself is almost irrelevant. The Jug is part of Michigan history, Michigan history is important, ergo the Jug is important. The Gophers? Most Michigan fans will chuckle at the fact the Jug is the trophy for a game against such an irrelevant team.

In the rare circumstances when the Gophers win the Jug, believe me: they care. Just look at how they run to get it back the next year when they inevitably get back to beating the Gophers. It's like we stole a picture of their Grandmother. In their minds they are the only ones who should rightfully have it. They would view it as a trap game except the Gophers are too weak to even be given that level of respect (in their minds).

anyone else notice how the idiot meatchicken centric writer of this article gives meatchicken credit for their two "pre-AP" national titles in 1932 and 1933, but in the very same sentence doesn't give minnesota credit for their absolutely legit national titles in 1934 and 1935?!?!

what a *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!# bag!

IMHO....the jug has little meaning to today's kids unless they lose it, and then the shame factor kicks in and it would mean a lot. There is an ownership mentality existing in Ann Arbor, and considering the results of the last 40 years, I don't blame them.

Been posted before but here is a VERY good series of articles on the history of the jug and the question of where it truly is:

I love the jug. Best college football trophy due to how long it's been around and the story behind it, even though it has certainly not been a competitive rivalry the last 40+ years... I too wish we hadn't diverged so strongly and the Gophers were relevant, but for many more reasons than just the jug.

Would be great to steal it back again this year, maybe hold on to it for a bit for once???

Lions lost their fan base and have had losing seasons for the most part, the Vikings came on strong and increased theirs. The Gophers became an after thought in this market. Lets face it you can only take so much, after 30 years who cares so much.
Yet another person that blames the Vikings for the Gophers woes...

anyone else notice how the idiot meatchicken centric writer of this article gives meatchicken credit for their two "pre-AP" national titles in 1932 and 1933, but in the very same sentence doesn't give minnesota credit for their absolutely legit national titles in 1934 and 1935?!?!

what a *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!# bag!

AP started in 1936, I believe

The Gophers mean very little to Michigan. I think the players like the idea of playing for something. An actual object to parade around the field.

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