Not to be a jackass, but what did you expect? Herbstreit, Corso, & Fowler?
Not to be a jackass, but what did you expect? Herbstreit, Corso, & Fowler?
Anish had a funny "Bert Blyleven" moment on the air a little while ago. Other than that, he appears to be a Syracuse and Yankees fan. Yuck.
Jay Walker has an interesting resume. He played QB for the Vikings for two years (96-97) and is a Maryland State Delegate. He also is the president of his own financial services company and does some color commentary for BET sports among other outfits.
Not exactly the A-squad, but how many of you actually pay attention to what they have to say anyways?
Just turn on the radio and listen to Dave, Dave and Darrell
I'd rather watch the game on mute while blasting 1950's country western at 130 decibels....
Now you're talking!!!! Oh wait, you were being sarcastic?
I'll bet my house that they are still better than Pam Ward.
Hell yes they do. They play the Bayou Classic which is great and SWAC football generally.BET has sports????
I'll bet my house that they are still better than Pam Ward.
BET has sports????
I often do turn off the TV audio and play music while watching the game. This game will be no exception.