ESPN Big Ten preseason power rankings - Gophers #8


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2008
Reaction score
per ESPN:

8. Minnesota: Year 3 has been a good one for Jerry Kill at previous coaching stops, and Minnesota could take another step forward if certain things go its way. The Gophers need better luck on the health front after struggling to keep their offensive line together in 2012. Minnesota should be solid on defense with tackle Ra'Shede Hageman leading the way, but it needs some offensive playmakers to emerge around sophomore quarterback Philip Nelson.

Go Gophers!!

I would agree that is about where we should be for this season in the preseason "power rankings".

Seems about right.

Would be interesting if they had a list that effectively made each team into a "stock".

Would you buy, hold, sell?

Seems about right.

Would be interesting if they had a list that effectively made each team into a "stock".

Would you buy, hold, sell?

Interesting idea. I think right now we would be firmly entrenched in the hold section but leaning more towards the buy side than the sell side.

Interesting how some early predictions were 0-8 in the B1G and near last and now ESPN and Big Ten Network both have them 8th/9th. Some are starting to predict that Kill will get a signature win this year. They must have heard or seen something in fall camp. Maybe just going with the fact that Kill has good third seasons or that he has won everywhere he has been.

Interesting how some early predictions were 0-8 in the B1G and near last and now ESPN and Big Ten Network both have them 8th/9th. Some are starting to predict that Kill will get a signature win this year. They must have heard or seen something in fall camp. Maybe just going with the fact that Kill has good third seasons or that he has won everywhere he has been.

If you look at the 4 teams below the MN Gophers in these rankings, they don't play 2 of them (Illinois and Purdue) and they play the team right below them (Indiana) on the road. The most winnable game looks to be Iowa at home and that is by no means a given.

0-8 won't happen but it's not completely out of the question, especially if Iowa finds a way to steal one at TCF.

I'm thinking 2-6 with wins over Iowa and either Penn State or Indiana.

This has to be the year where we steal a game or two. That's the only way we start to get better.

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