ESPN article on Fisch/Weber

Very interesting, Nolan Ryan used to throw footballs on his off days to strengthen the muscles in his arm that are opposite the ones used in pitching. He credited that for his lack of arm problems!!!

I don't know

I somewhat agree that pitchers do not make good passers, but I think that its because pitchers bend at the waist and QB's need to stand straighter/taller when they throw. I hope that Fisch does not tinker with his mechanics too much and create a mess.

Dengue, Weber was one of the best pitchers in the state and he's turned out fine as a QB.

Dengue, Weber was one of the best pitchers in the state and he's turned out fine as a QB.

No problem, I'm sure that he is/was a great pitcher. I did both too, not nearly at Weber's level of course. I do think that there are differnces in the stride, especially the stride length; the hip rotation and the hand action (the thumb is pointed toward the ground when throwing a football to make the nose of the ball go up). But then again, I have heard that when people throw a baseball they do the same thing or they will tear muscles up and down their arms). Anyway, I agree that Weber has worked out as a QB.

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