Eric Decker Missed Jets OTA's for CMT Awards to Pay Wife Back for Childbearing

El Amin Fan

Well-known member
Jul 23, 2012
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Big Lead on Decker. >> In a move sure to needle the Mike Francesa’s of the world, Eric Decker missed Jets OTA’s to attend the CMT Awards with his wife, country singer Jessie James, last week. As Decker tells the New York Post’s Bart Hubbuch (who called the explanation a “bit of a stretch”), the receiver went to Nashville to support his wife as a show of gratitude for her recent pregnancy: <<

Maybe we'll see Decker in a Vikings uni down the road.

That's inexcusable! Putting his wife ahead of an offseason practice that's (I think) voluntary? What a putz!

That's inexcusable! Putting his wife ahead of an offseason practice that's (I think) voluntary? What a putz!

Yeah I have always loved how up in arms people get about missing "optional" team activities. Of course we all know the "optional" is only really there because of union rules and teams look at these as mandatory even though they technically can't force a player to be there or publicly punish them for missing it.

Works the same way in college in terms of optional practices and conditioning. Sure you can skip it but it is not going to sit well with the coaches if you do so players show up because they know it will reflect poorly on them if they don't.

Decker is one guy that I would not worry about missing "optional" stuff though because I have no doubt he will put in the work he needs to be at the top of his game in the fall, just the kind of player he is.

Pretty sure when you are paid that kind of salary that you have more requirements/expectations than us common folk. Decker should have been at OTA. Period.

Pretty sure when you are paid that kind of salary that you have more requirements/expectations than us common folk. Decker should have been at OTA. Period.

With that line of thinking then it should not be called optional. Decker is a professional, if he wants to support his wife he should be able to. Again it really comes down to the player, some guys skip things because they are lazy, a guy like Decker will do what he needs to do to get ready so that missing a couple days of "optional" practice won't have any real impact on what happens this season.

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