Emotional team meeting


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Nov 11, 2008
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Emotional team meeting

Fleck described the Gophers this year as one of the top two "most connected" teams he's ever coached. He felt even stronger about that distinction after an emotional team meeting to end fall camp this week.

"Our players got up there and said how they felt about this particular team," Fleck said. "I never had a team talk about the team like that as individuals and players like this team did."

Fleck didn't give any details about the conversations, but quarterback Tanner Morgan revealed that he let his teammates know how grateful he was for their support after his father's death this summer.

"What I talked about was what I was most excited for was to get back in the locker room and be around the team," Morgan said. "Kind of that family aspect. That's where I truly learned and embraced what 'forget about me, I love you' really is."

Running back Mo Ibrahim said Fleck also separated the team into 12 different groups to talk to each other on more of a personal level.

"There were different things we all opened up about," Ibrahim said. "Some of the things were the hardships I had to go through just to be here. What I had to give up to be here. … Some people I never talked to, I got to understand them on a better level."

Go Gophers!!


When Coach came he put these out there...

Here's the F.A.M.I.L.Y-101 short...just over a minute...

This is what Tanner is referring to...

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