Ed DeChellis?


Well-known member
Nov 12, 2008
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The whole Penn State/JoePa got me to thinking. ...

Any chance at all that this mess played played even a small part in why Ed DeChellis got out of town for the Navy job after leading PSU to the NCAA Tournament? DeChellis has always seemed like a class individual (of course we've always thought the same thing about JoePa). ... perhaps DeChellis heard the rumblings of what was going on in the football/Athletics department and didn't want any part of that acceptance-by-ignoring situation?

I've always liked DeChellis. Never understood why he took so much grief, especially the pot shots he received from some of the .com writers after Chambers took over. Next time a Penn State basketball coach (with no fan base to speak of) in a 3-year span wins a NIT title (and the Nitts had a pretty decent case for an at-large bid that season) and goes to the NCAA Tournament, please let me know.

Maybe. I think it more has to do with him thinking he had gotten Penn state as good as he good and it wasn't going to be enough to save his job longterm. He left for a lower pressure, more secure job. I'm surprised we don't see this more often with 2nd tier coaches.

Is being the coach at Iowa really better than being the coach at a mid major if you could have a job for 25 years with success at the mid major. The ceiling is higher at a major program, but your life expectancy is much lower.

Maybe. I think it more has to do with him thinking he had gotten Penn state as good as he good and it wasn't going to be enough to save his job longterm. He left for a lower pressure, more secure job.

I agree. That's pretty much why I think he left, but after all this it just made me wonder if there were a few other factors.

I agree. That's pretty much why I think he left, but after all this it just made me wonder if there were a few other factors.

I don't wonder about $hit I know nothing about. To me, SS, I think you expressed a thought or a feeling about something that should not ever be thought about until all of the facts at Penn State come out. I totally respect your reports and articles, but in all honesty, I think you just exposed yourself to a whole lot of $hit here.

Huh? Do you think I'm intimating DeChellis was hunky-dory and/or part of the whole cover-up? If so, that's not what I'm saying at all.

For clarity, I'm saying just the opposite. I'm wondering if perhaps he didn't like the moral compass he was seeing/hearing from the Athletics and/or football departments (read: "a few other factors") and no longer wanted to be a part of it (PSU). A little reach? Perhaps, but not entirely out of the realm of possibility.

Relax a little bit, good doctor.

SS, I apologize for misinterpreting your comment. I thought you were intimating that he may have had knowledge of the situation and did not say anything and that is why he got out. My bad.

btw, I am relaxed all the time... I am retired. :)

SS, I apologize for misinterpreting your comment. I thought you were intimating that he may have had knowledge of the situation and did not say anything and that is why he got out. My bad.

btw, I am relaxed all the time... I am retired. :)

Me to, the only difference that I've noticed is that now I fall out bed more than I fall off the bar stool. Must be more time in bed?

I wonder if he didn't hear the whispers. Clearly the investigation has been going on for some time. Still, I also think he knew this season was going to be rough and he might not make it past that anyway.

Well, the news came out that Sandusky was being investigated by the grand jury on March 31, 2011. DeChellis didn't leave until May, 2011, but I doubt the investigation had anything to do with him leaving - probably a self-preservation thing.

Maybe if the media made a bigger deal about the investigation when it started, then PSU would finally have barred Sandusky from campus in March/April. The news about the grand jury investigation came out in March and they let the guy stick around until October/November, possibly allowing him to keep victimizing kids there - what exactly was the media doing? Where is the journalism? Why did they just wait around for the grand jury to come out with charges to get the story? Were they too busy trying to take down OSU to do something that actually mattered?

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