Dunlap returns to Gators


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Nov 2, 2009
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This is why the gophers will continue to be average. DUI can kill people but the gators realize that college sports is a business are got him back on the team. What royce did was not nearly as bad. What the gators did will not affect them academically and they will be better athletically. U of F is better academically then the U of M and better sports wise because they have smart pepole in charge.

This is why the gophers will continue to be average. DUI can kill people but the gators realize that college sports is a business are got him back on the team. What royce did was not nearly as bad. What the gators did will not affect them academically and they will be better athletically. U of F is better academically then the U of M and better sports wise because they have smart pepole in charge.

Kevin Whaley and Michael Carter are still on the team aren't they? And there are several Gators in both football and basketball who have been dismissed for offenses arguably less severe then what Royce has done. To beat a dead horse, if Royce had ONLY had the MOA incident or ONLY the laptop incident, he'd be playing. He has many issues. Tubby and Maturi have made that clear.

Certainly here are programs more lenient with thier athletes. I would suggest that Florida is not one of them. There are also some that are much harsher. I will give you this: Jeremy Foley is an excellent AD. Much better then Mr. Maturi, I'm afraid. But this issue is not the reason why.

Kevin Whaley and Michael Carter are still on the team aren't they? And there are several Gators in both football and basketball who have been dismissed for offenses arguably less severe then what Royce has done. To beat a dead horse, if Royce had ONLY had the MOA incident or ONLY the laptop incident, he'd be playing. He has many issues. Tubby and Maturi have made that clear.

Certainly here are programs more lenient with thier athletes. I would suggest that Florida is not one of them. There are also some that are much harsher. I will give you this: Jeremy Foley is an excellent AD. Much better then Mr. Maturi, I'm afraid. But this issue is not the reason why.

don't compare umpd overreacting in carters case and whaley attempting to use a fake id to dui it is disrespectful. The media makes myer seem like a a moral coach, but he lets a player who was so drunk while driving that he passed out play after a one game suspension. He realizes that ncaa d1 sports is a business and acaemics don't get affected by ncaa players.

And please don't disrespect the gophers program by saying that gator players had worse offenses, becasue 28 gators have been arrested to 2 gophers.

This is why the gophers will continue to be average. DUI can kill people but the gators realize that college sports is a business are got him back on the team. What royce did was not nearly as bad. What the gators did will not affect them academically and they will be better athletically. U of F is better academically then the U of M and better sports wise because they have smart pepole in charge.

This is one of the dumbest post I've ever read.

don't compare umpd overreacting in carters case and whaley attempting to use a fake id to dui it is disrespectful. The media makes myer seem like a a moral coach, but he lets a player who was so drunk while driving that he passed out play after a one game suspension. He realizes that ncaa d1 sports is a business and acaemics don't get affected by ncaa players.

And please don't disrespect the gophers program by saying that gator players had worse offenses, becasue 28 gators have been arrested to 2 gophers.

I am making a citizens arrest. You are being charged with PWI. You have a right to remain silent (please).

This is why the gophers will continue to be average. DUI can kill people but the gators realize that college sports is a business are got him back on the team. What royce did was not nearly as bad. What the gators did will not affect them academically and they will be better athletically. U of F is better academically then the U of M and better sports wise because they have smart pepole in charge.

This is why lions eat their young--keep the DNA intact...maybe the stupidest thread ever, except "maybe Hohensee..."

don't compare umpd overreacting in carters case and whaley attempting to use a fake id to dui it is disrespectful. The media makes myer seem like a a moral coach, but he lets a player who was so drunk while driving that he passed out play after a one game suspension. He realizes that ncaa d1 sports is a business and acaemics don't get affected by ncaa players.

And please don't disrespect the gophers program by saying that gator players had worse offenses, becasue 28 gators have been arrested to 2 gophers.

I read Urban Meyer's book, and I suggest you do it also. After reading his book he has a different view of kicking athletes off the team. Basically he kicked off an inner city player once (forget if it was at Utah or Florida) for something like a failed drug test or something, and he went home and ended up getting killed. Urban said in his book that the incident affected him greatly and he will use getting kicked of the team as the very last straw.
While Dunlap did a horrible/selfish crime andserved only a one game suspension, what was the one game? A conference championship game where they lost their right to go to the National Championship game. I am not sticking up for or ripping on the decision, but it is a case of different strokes for different folks.

U of F is better academically then the U of M...

Florida is not even close to the school that the UofM is. Period. You might want to educate yourself a bit before making ridiculous statements like this.

You are right about their complete lack of ethics regarding their athletes, though. All that matters is winning and $. That's why they suck as a University.

Florida is not even close to the school that the UofM is. Period. You might want to educate yourself a bit before making ridiculous statements like this.

You are right about their complete lack of ethics regarding their athletes, though. All that matters is winning and $. That's why they suck as a University.

Actually Florida is better. #47 in the 2010 US News Rankings vs. 61st for the U. Ignorant post.

What is worse stealing a pair of jeans or being so drunk while driving that you pass out?

Also anyone notice how the Gator fans are not turning their back on Myer or Dunlap. They weren't calling Dunlap a thug and freaking out about how he is ruining the academics at the school by messing up as a student athlete. They weren't saying that Myer is ruining the schools reputation by allowing a criminal back on the team. Gopher fans would of of acted 10 times differently. And if you don't believe me look how people around here reacted to the Carter arrest, and the Royce situation.

Also U of F has way harder admission standards then the U of M, even though both are good academically the U of F is better. Their academic standing has not been affected on bit by the 28 arrests the U of F has had since Myer took over.

Actually Florida is better. #47 in the 2010 US News Rankings vs. 61st for the U. Ignorant post.

I love when posters attack information in a post by saying the person doesnt know what they are talking about, and then they are proven completely wrong with substantial evidence. UF may get a bad rap because of a few (or a lot) troublemakers on their sports teams, but yes, it is a pretty good school.

What is worse stealing a pair of jeans or being so drunk while driving that you pass out?

Also anyone notice how the Gator fans are not turning their back on Myer or Dunlap. They weren't calling Dunlap a thug and freaking out about how he is ruining the academics at the school by messing up as a student athlete. They weren't saying that Myer is ruining the schools reputation by allowing a criminal back on the team. Gopher fans would of of acted 10 times differently. And if you don't believe me look how people around here reacted to the Carter arrest, and the Royce situation.

Also U of F has way harder admission standards then the U of M, even though both are good academically the U of F is better. Their academic standing has not been affected on bit by the 28 arrests the U of F has had since Myer took over.

Wow. This is definitely a banner thread in the annals of this message board. Scolding the U over their handling of athletes with legal issues? Check. Pimping Florida, Urban Meyer, and their handling of athletes with legal issues? Check. Scolding Gopher fans for being upset over the stupid actions of both Carter and White? Check. And for good measure, throwing in how Florida is better academically then Minnesota? Check. Thanks for setting everybody straight. I'm sure Maturi, Brewster and Tubby and all these harsh Gopher fans are adding Jeremy Foley and Urban Meyer to their buddy lists so they can make the right call next time. :rolleyes:

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